Got money issues? Are your bills greater than your bank account and you don’t know how to get ahead? Does your financial situation keep you from investing in your business so you can grow your reach?
What if you could take control of your money so you stop feeling like money is controlling your choices?
On Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 190 Karen Abrams joins me to share what’s really causing your money issues and how Theta healing can help you break free of money blocks, instantly improve your relationship with money and heal those money gremlins once and for all!
Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.
Key Takeaways
Revitalizing Your Health and Wealth evening meditation, geared to helping heal your health and your relationship with money.
About The Guest
Karen Abrams is a UCLA educated entrepreneur, Master Theta Healer and gifted intuitive. For more than 17 years, she has helped professional women release self-sabotaging habits and gain confidence, financial security and personal fulfillment.
Karen works with clients and groups worldwide to transform their subconscious beliefs and break free from trapped emotions, traumas and limiting mindsets, to build the success they desire and deserve. She is known for integrating her energetic work with practical tools to bring about powerful results.
Karen’s keen sense of humor, insight, and healing abilities have made her a rising star on radio, podcasts and the international telesummit circuit in the Human Potential movement.
Resources Mentioned in This Episode: