
Amplify Your Success

Amplify Your Success is the only podcast for coaches, consultants, course creators and experts that integrates practical and proven business strategy along with mindset, motivation and energetic tools to amplify impact, income and influence. If you are looking to shatter your earning limits while making a massive impact with your business superpowers, tune in to hear 22 year business veteran Melanie Benson host power-packed conversations with other business industry leaders. Discover more tools and resources at
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Dec 22, 2017

Just because an entrepreneur is making money in their business doesn’t mean that the business owner has healthy finance habits. I’ve witnessed many seven figure business owners go belly-up almost overnight – just because they didn’t have their finances in order. 

In Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 54 I’m covering 4 ways to get your finances in order, no matter how much you are making right now. When you master these 4 financial steps, you’ll be able to create personal wealth and grow your business faster, as well as tackle some of your “make a difference” goals of giving back. 


Key Takeaways 

  • The difference between a hobby business and a strong business when it comes to generating revenue.  
  • Money mindset is influencing your habits and systems around your business – and personal – finances.  
  • Why many successful six and seven figure business owners are missing the most important CEO habit 
  • What a financial reserve is and why it’s essential to beat unnecessary stress as you grow your small business.  
  • Your childhood money mentors (aka your parents) probably didn’t teach you the best habits around finances so finding a good money mentor is key. 
  • Risk taking and entrepreneurship often creates a self-sabotaging habit around cash flow that keeps you broke and burned out. 

Mentioned In this Episode: 

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources. 

Dec 15, 2017

When you have a shortage of time and energy to get it all done, and traditional time management techniques just aren’t enough, then try one of these sure-fire strategies to get more done faster.

Abraham Lincoln famously said, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Inside episode 53 of Amplify Your Success podcast, let’s tackle six ways to sharpen your axe so you can win faster, accomplish more of your big goals and save money and time along the way.

Key Takeaways

  • How the conditions in our life are either setting us up for massive success – or frustration and disappointing results.
  • Three important things to organize so you don’t waste time looking for information.
  • The importance of planning so that you can create consistent income – and don’t get derailed from bigger projects for cash flow needs.
  • Listen in to discover why multi-tasking is a myth – and how to set up your time so you can get into flow and productivity.
  • How delegating more – and faster – will propel you and your goals forward.
  • What a castle has to do your boundaries (and yes, it does matter to your success.)
  • The most important thing you can do to accelerate results – simplify. I’ll explain why.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Dec 8, 2017

The fitness industry is well known for using shame to get you in line and buy their products. In episode 52 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, my friend and guest JJ Flizanes shares how she is determined to eliminate body shame as a motivator for increasing your health and achieving your physical goals.

“We are all on a journey,” says JJ and knowing that on anytime we change our outcomes, is key to increasing energy, focus and stamina. I love the conversation we had about aging gracefully as well as how our physical wellbeing affects our confidence.


Key Takeaways

  • How to level up your body goals so you can overcome hidden body shame
  • The key to aging gracefully with a healthy lifestyle
  • Why what you value determines how much attention you put on health goals and eating differently
  • The two different ways that we fuel ourselves – and how our fuel shapes our ability to achieve bigger goals
  • The truth about caffeine and adrenal fatigue on high-achievers and entrepreneurs burning the candle at both ends
  • What the mind-body-soul integration is and how being mindful can be the missing fuel in any small business owners success.

About the Guest:

JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcast shows including Fit 2 Love and Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, an Amazon best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life, and author of Knack Absolute Abs: Routines for a Fit and Firm Core.

She was named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine. JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, Muscle and Fitness HERS, Elegant Bride, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox 11 and KTLA. Her newest book, The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame debuted at #2 on the Amazon Best Seller List for Women’s Health and #2 as a Hot New Release on May 18th 2017.

Connect with JJ




Mentioned In this Episode:

The Invisible Fitness Formula Book

Take the Complementary Influential Profits Quiz now to discover your growth bottlenecks and unleash hidden profit opportunities.

Dec 1, 2017

Everyone’s got one. A story that is. But are you leveraging it to land that coveted media opportunity? Crafting and telling your story is a key strategy to gain media exposure. In episode 51 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, my friend Tanya Targett joins me to talk about the power of a story, not just to potential publicity, but also to positioning yourself as an influencer and authority in your field.

As a former journalist, Tanya’s job depending on her ability to uncover unique stories and now she helps people find the story from their life’s journey that can help them stand out and be seen.


Key Takeaways

  • Why your story is so important to getting media attention.
  • What happens when your potential clients hear your story (and why your story closes more sales than a cleverly designed sales pitch!)
  • Tanya shares an invaluable technique for crafting your story so its compelling, inspiring and enticing!
  • Learn the important elements you must have in place so your story is media-worthy.
  • Plus, how you can leverage your story to build influence and become a sought after expert.

About the Guest:

Tanya Targett is a journalist, international speaker and creator of the Winning Publicity Formula®.

A multi-published, award-winning daily news journalist and former investigative reporter, Tanya has a proven system that she and her “Media Darling” students have used to secure more than $7.4 million in free publicity over the past two years.

Yes, she’s a media expert and an experienced journalist, but more so Tanya is an entrepreneur who has known adversity, fought it, “lost to it”, and then come back. Swapping the newsroom for retail, Tanya lost her first six-figure business to an inland tsunami which killed 38 people in Queensland, Australia, in 2011.

Having secured national and international media for that business – an online retail store and party plan venture which reached the top 100 of its kind – entrepreneurs were quick to ask Tanya for her secrets, and begged her to teach them how she did it, leading her to build another six-figure business in under 6 months

That training platform – re-branded as the Winning Publicity Formula® – has helped countless business owners become Media Darlings™… monopolising, monetising and leveraging free media and publicity.

Connect with Tanya
twitter: @tanyatargett
instagram: @tanyatargett


Mentioned In this Episode:

Get Tanya’s Free Resource, How To Go From ‘Unknown’ To Household Name Using Media & Free Publicity

Nov 24, 2017

When something in your business doesn’t work the way you had hoped, do you see it as a learning or fall into a spiral of negativity? Learning to fail gracefully can be the key to accelerating success. If you fail faster and give yourself permission to fail, you’ll achieve more of your bold goals.

In episode 50 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I talk about how adapting a new mindset around failure can be a profit amplifier, helping you make better decisions and keep fear at bay. Plus, I’ve got four pointers on how to get the learnings out of any failed attempt at business growth. 

Key Takeaways

  • Why failure avoidance can actually be holding you back from growing income in your small business.
  • The wisdom Sarah Blakely, founder of Spanx, received as a child that made failing a good strategy in business.
  • Four keys to failing more gracefully so you can turn a break down into a breakthrough.
  • Some of the best business wisdom Richard Branson shared about failing and business leadership.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Nov 17, 2017

High-achievers, driven entrepreneurs and thought leaders who are excited to scale their business all struggle with the gap: the space between where you are today and where you want to be. But when you focus on the gap, you can end up feeling frustrated, disappointed and lose your confidence to keep growing your small business. Back in 2010 I learned an important lesson around money, gratitude and the power of my focus. Call it a miracle, I found that by focusing on what is working in my business instead of the challenges and problems helped me activate more joy – and more cash flow.

In episode 49 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll guide you through a 4 step gratitude practice to help you amplify your financial abundance. By creating a daily ritual of gratitude, you’ll be able to banish the “success is so slow” blues and upgrade your mindset for more prosperity and happiness. 

Key Takeaways

  • What Oprah’s gratitude belief is and how focusing on even the tiniest thing to be thankful for can help build a habit of gratitude.
  • My Red Car Theory: how focusing on even ONE tiny situation that is going well can build positive momentum.
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with other people who have a gratitude practice.
  • How gratitude can make you more attractive and influential in the eyes of your peers and other industry leaders.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Nov 13, 2017

Entrepreneurs often struggle to create consistent cash flow in their small business. But often it’s not just bringing in more sales that makes the biggest difference, but rather how smart you are with the money you make.

In episode 48 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, my friend Justin Krane, author of Money. You Got This., shares how to move beyond your fears about cash flow, taking big risks and getting smart with your money – so you have more of it.


Key Takeaways

  • What prosperity thinking really is, and how it can influence your money mindset.
  • How to get beyond making your biggest money mistake.
  • Justin reveals the single biggest mistake business owners make with their money (and what does that have to do with finding that missing sock in the dryer.)
  • How business owners should price their stuff to help increase consistent cash flow.
  • The smartest way to take small risk as a small business owner so you don’t find yourself underwater.
  • How the simple advice from Justin’s mentor helped him become a better money coach.

About the Guest:

Justin Krane, a frequent guest on MSNBC, is a money strategist for business owners. He helps you understand the money side of your business

Justin isn’t about cutting back and living a frugal life. Justin is all about getting the shoes, doing sushi, and living the best life today – and saving for the future.

Justin is the author of the book: Money. You Got This. He shares his every day crazy funny life stories – and gives you a money lesson.

Justin is also a Certified Financial Planner professional.

He has been featured in CBS, Fox Business News, and MSNBC.


Connect with Justin Krane

Get Justin’s FREE Download: 3 Things You MUST Do Right Now to End Your Business Money Drama.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Justin’s Book: Money. You Got This: Easy to Implement Money Strategies So You Can Take Control of Your Business Finances and Create Your Dream Life

Rapid Cash Strategies


Nov 3, 2017

What’s the most frustrating thing for an entrepreneur? Well, besides a lack of cash flow, it’s running out of time! Time is a small business owner’s greatest commodity and yet it’s often what they have the least amount of. From well-meaning team members who have “just a quick question” to a lack of good time boundaries, it’s easy to end up with a 10 page to-do list at the end of your day.

Time to get control of those time bandits so you can really start moving the needle forward my friend. After listening to episode 47 of Amplify Your Success Podcast you’ll know exactly what’s keeping you from getting more done – and how to use my three favorite time management techniques for massive productivity!

Key Takeaways

  • Learn what common time bandits are for an entrepreneur so they don’t steal your time away from your goals.
  • Why knowing your HPA (High Payoff Activities) for each day will help you say no faster – and stay focused.
  • Why multi-tasking doesn’t work for any entrepreneur or business leader no matter how good you think you are at balancing multiple priorities
  • How I use time chunking to activate the law of momentum in my own business (and how you can too)
  • When to use a gatekeeper to help you avoid time distractions and get more done

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Oct 27, 2017

How many times have you let a lack of funds in your bank account dictate what opportunity you pursue? As entrepreneurs, there will always be opportunities, but we won’t always have the cash flow in hand. Early on in my business I learned how powerful I can be around money – by simply being strategic in how I invest in each opportunity. From hiring the right support team, to investing in my mentors to making big growth leaps in my small business, knowing how to afford what you need is a game-changer.

In episode 46 of Amplify Your Success Podcast I’ll walk you through what I learned so that you too can strategically generate the income you need to afford your business growth.

Key Takeaways

  • The conversation with a big name speaker that became a huge pivot in how I approach business growth.
  • Three types of entrepreneur growth and how each stage affects the business owner’s growth mindset.
  • How a shift in your spending focus can help you afford what you need to grow your business now.
  • 5 examples of how strategic thinking can help you find money to afford your business growth needs.
  • How thinking “I can’t afford it” is keeping you stuck and causing your growth muscle to atrophy.
  • Why using the “go all in” philosophy can eliminate needing to know “how” so you can manifest new income streams.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Oct 23, 2017

If you are host a podcast, Facebook Live or produce regular content for your blog, it can be challenging to get more views. Don’t just “one and done” your stellar marketing pieces! That’s leaving money on the table. Start content spinning so you can create massive buzz around your brand.

In episode 45 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’m On Air Coaching my Platinum client, Chrystal Clifton. I take her through my Content Spinning process to show her how to get more exposure through all the social media channels and drive more traffic to her weekly show. Plus, this is the ultimate leverage marketing strategy – you’ll learn how to create content once and distribute relevant content chunks across all your platforms so you don’t have to keep creating original content.

Key Takeaways

  • How to decide if you should use Facebook Page or Personal Profile to host your Facebook Live show.
  • Four ways to cross-purpose a video so that you drive traffic back to your show – and website.
  • A few clever ways to get new viewers to your show or podcast on Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.
  • Plus, I share some of my favorite time-saving and buzz producing tools and resources to make Content Spinning easy.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Oct 16, 2017

Your comfort zone is a space of mental security. Think of it like a “default zone” where habits, actions and thinking fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk. This space keeps you safe, reduces anxiety and keeps your stress low because you aren’t doing anything new or risky. The funny thing about comfort zones though is that space will not deliver new results. So if you want to create a level of success you’ve never experienced before you’ll need to break free of your comfortable patterns and do some “stretchy” things.

Push yourself too far though and you’ll experience so much fear and overwhelm that you’ll slide right back into your comfort zone. So the key is to find what is called, “Optimal Tension.” Creating just enough tension that your old patterns are removed and not too much tension that the fear catapults you back into safety. In episode 44 of Amplify Your Success Podcast discover how to step into that Optimal Tension required to achieve new levels of success.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the signs you are camping out in your comfort zone – even though you deeply desire new, better results in your life and business.
  • How to create the Optimal Tension zone that makes your new results your upgraded default position.
  • Why your comfort zone is the antithesis of productivity and high performance for entrepreneurs and business leaders.
  • The three new superpowers you’ll have after you stretch out of your comfort zone into Optimal Tension

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

  • Take the Complementary Influential Profits Quiz now to discover your growth bottlenecks and unleash hidden profit opportunities.
Oct 6, 2017

In can take thousands of dollars and a lot of years to build up a strong pool of prospects – or an entrepreneur can align with joint venture partners who promote you to their already loyal list of subscribers.

Joint venture marketing is a fast and profitable way to build your own list of subscribers, as well as increase quality leads for your offers quickly. But there’s a trick to developing good affiliate partners and I tackle it in episode 43 of Amplify Your Success Podcast.

Key Takeaways

  • What the difference between strategic, affiliate and joint venture partners is and how it matters to your marketing strategy.
  • A huge a-ha I had as part of the “Shark Attack” panel of experts at the last Joint Venture Experience hosted by Rich German.
  • Four “must do” things before you approach a potential partner to promote your offers.
  • Three big no-no’s in the world of affiliate partnering (avoid these mistakes at all costs or you could ruin your business reputation.)
  • A simple way to start benefiting from marketing partners if you aren’t ready for the official joint ventures (and this is a GREAT way to build up your affiliate marketing chops!)


Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

  • Take the Complementary Influential Profits Quiz now to discover your growth bottlenecks and unleash hidden profit opportunities.
Sep 29, 2017

As a business owner, marketing is an important part of your ability to generate leads and gain clients. But not all marketing activity is going to get good results – and often the marketing efforts that got you where you are today are not going be the marketing strategies that generate massive, exponential growth.

In episode 42 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’m joined by marketing genius Dan Kuschell who shares his story of overcoming a stressful burnout phase only to come out on the other side with one of the most sought-after marketing successes in the expert industry.

About the Expert:

Dan Kuschell is a husband, dad, serial entrepreneur and angel-investor and helps entrepreneurs have a bigger impact, reach, and contribution.

He has built 11+ companies, since 1992 and after selling 2 of his companies following a health scare, Dan now spends his time working with fun projects -- including helping drive sales and growth as a Strategic Growth Partner with clients like Joe Polish, Genius Network, and more.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the real reason traditional marketing is dead and why if you stick to the old school methods of selling it can stall your business growth.
  • Dan shares his best method that adds five to seven new clients per month - without high costs, long learning curves, or technology overwhelm.
  • Dan and I talk about the biggest difference between a successful business and healthy business (and how this difference is what got him past his burn out phase.)
  • Then we get into why asking for referrals may actually be hurting your business – and what you should be doing instead to increase sales.
  • We wrap up with Dan’s mindset shift around work, life balance and how he’s been able to grow his successful business from a completely new paradigm of success.

Connect with Dan

Mentioned In this Episode:

Sep 22, 2017

There are five pretty common mistakes that fast-paced entrepreneurs make when they are hiring, training and leading their teams. Each of them alone can results in costly mis-hires and disappointing results when delegating. But if a business leader is making all five, they might give up on the most important growth strategy – building a dream team.

In Episode 41 of Amplify Your Success Podcast I’m covering these widespread mistakes so that you can recognize them – and hopefully avoid making them too.

Key Takeaways

  • The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make when hiring virtual assistants, contractors and employees.
  • Why a business leader should never hire a “mini-me” to help you grow your small business.
  • A common training faux-pau made by almost every thought leader and coach who hires virtual assistants.
  • How to channel your impatience so that you empower your team members for greater productivity
  • A major difference in management style that you must know if you are hiring experts or an “A Player” who will take ownership of their role.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Build Your Dream Team

Free Resource: The Smart Entrepreneur’s Guide to Hiring for Growth

Join the Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers

Sep 18, 2017

Most entrepreneurs seek out a business partnership hoping for the “holy grail” – finding someone who will do the things you don’t like to do without having to pay for a team. Before you say yes to a business partnership, there are some things you need to do in order to have a thriving relationship with your partner.

If you’ve been searching for a business partner, or are considering a joint venture to create a new offering, listen and take good notes to Episode 40 of Amplify Your Success Podcast.

Key Takeaways

  • Five questions you must ask BEFORE you finalize a business partnership that can save you frustration, disappointment, and misunderstandings that could end the relationship before it takes off.
  • The most avoided step to take before your business partnership begins that can avoid a costly breakup if you decide to part ways.
  • How to flush out your skills, strengths, passions and roles within the partnership so that you don’t end up with role overlap.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Build Your Dream Team

Free Resource: The Smart Entrepreneur’s Guide to Hiring for Growth

Join the Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers

Sep 11, 2017

Every human being is taught a series of stories that shape your future success in life. If you are an entrepreneur, small business owner or thought leader, your ability to grow your company and achieve higher levels of goals depends on the quality of your story.

In episode 39 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’m joined by expert mindset shifter Bob Choat to talk about how to shift those stories so they are more powerful and supportive of the life we truly want to live. Plus, I challenge Bob to do some on-the-spot coaching for the three most common success barriers.

About the Expert:

Bob Choat is the host of The School of Transformation Podcast, the author of Mind Your Own Fitness and the forthcoming book, Develop the Champion Within. He is also the founder of Mind Hack Academy ( His articles on peak performance have been published in various publications and websites. He is known as the Transformational Grandmaster.

He's appeared on both radio and TV, including KABC TalkRadio, Cosozo Radio Network, Sirrius Satellite Radio and Hypnosis Today TV Show. Bob is a Marine Veteran and former LAPD Police Officer. He is also an accomplished martial artist with a 5th degree black belt in Kenpo, a Sr. Instructor in Jeet Kune Do and a Master Instructor in Close Quarter Combat. He earned his PhD in psychology, ran a marketing and advertising firm and has extensive work in fitness and hypnosis, including stage hypnosis. He is also a certified trainer of NLP, Executive coach and certified as a Peak Performance Mindset Master Trainer.

Key Takeaways

  • Bob Choat shares how humans create stories that shape their future, often limiting their prosperity and capacity for more success.
  • I was surprised to hear that there is a big lie that everyone tells themselves. Bob shares an interesting insight into how to recognize and shift that lie so we can break free of mindset limitations.
  • Beliefs are critical to your success – and Bob shares the surprising reason why.
  • I ask Bob to walk through the three biggest fears entrepreneurs face in business using his breakthrough technique (we tackle money challenges, confidence and not knowing “how” to do your goal.)

And the best advice I was ever given on how to change your story so you feel empowered, confident and ready to conquer your biggest goals.

Connect with Bob 

Mentioned In this Episode:

Free Gift: 7 day Video Training on How to Empower Your Own Success Story

Join the Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers

Sep 5, 2017

When other small business owners discovered that I grew from $1k to breaking six figures in under nine months they wanted to know exactly how I was able to grow that quickly. The answer is simple.

I started delegating tasks I never had time to do, or I didn’t know how to do well.

In Episode 38 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I outline five important types of tasks that an entrepreneur should be delegating right away if they want to grow their income and impact faster.

Key Takeaways

  • How I took a $350 investment in my first virtual assistant and turned it into a massive ROI of over $900 in new business.
  • Five types of tasks that an entrepreneur or business leader can delegate to see a huge boost in productivity and goal achievement.
  • A simple way to identify which tasks you should get off your plate to accelerate profitable growth.

[click to tweet verbiage] Melanie Benson’s advice to accelerate growth: delegate anything someone can do better, faster or cheaper than you.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Build Your Dream Team

Free Resource: The Smart Entrepreneur’s Guide to Hiring for Growth

Join the Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers

Aug 28, 2017

Energy drains are lethal to an entrepreneur’s motivation and ability to focus. When you put up with stuff that drives you crazy, constantly get derailed with fire drills or even have a tiny little thought about finishing something, you are zapping your inspiration.

In Episode 37 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’m tackling your tolerations so YOU can quickly boost your energy and ability to focus on your bigger goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover one of the most common struggle area that over 75% of business owners and leaders face every day.
  • Identify the sneaky time bandits that derail you from progress.
  • Recognize the energy vampires disguised as team members, clients or even friends and family that are robbing you of essential motivation.
  • Create a simple game plan to resolve the issues and challenges that steal your precious time and energy.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Join the Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers

Aug 21, 2017

When you want to grow your impact and be able to exponentially increase income, it makes sense to find ways to generate revenue by scaling your small business offerings. However, some entrepreneurs experience breakdowns and bottlenecks when trying to package their one-on-one services into scalable offerings. That’s where this week’s guest expert, Mandi Ellefson comes in. She’s joined me on Amplify Your Success Podcast to share her secret techniques that business owners across the globe use to scale their business into the high six and seven figures. 

About the Expert: 

Mandi is a CEO, author and advocate for hands-off business success. As the founder of The Hands-Off CEO, she leads clients into greater success, life balance, and productivity by helping them free up to 20-50% of their work week. Her international clientele has seen productivity and cost savings gains of up to 67%. 

As a co-author of the best seller Creating Business Growth, Mandi is a recognized expert and sought-after speaker. Her new book Hands-Off Consulting Growth will be available this fall. All proceeds from her book are donated to rescue enslaved victims of child sex trafficking. Mandi is a committed social impact advocate, and Freedom Fighter. 

Mandi is a serial entrepreneur who started her first business at age 12. 

Key Takeaways 

  • A big myth that most service professionals, consultants and coaches buy into that keeps them stuck in “slow growth” and limited impact 
  • Why sales and marketing not enough to grow a business over the long-term. 
    The main reason that custom services are often difficult to grow and scale (and Mandi shares a valuable tip to overcome this growth trap!) 


Connect with Mandi 

Mentioned In this Episode: 

Free Gift: Scalable Growth Roadmap 

Join the Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers 

Aug 14, 2017

When your business grows quickly and your time shrinks, you’ll often have to say no to opportunities that are really attractive – but just don’t make the cut! In this episode of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll share why saying no more often to distractions and bright, shiny objects is essential to protecting your bigger goals and dream business.  


Key Takeaways 

  • What happens when your business is growing really fast – and you have limited time – if you keep saying yes to everything that comes your way. 
  • A few important distinctions on “great ideas” versus your aligned opportunities that will accelerate your biggest goals and dream business. 
  • My trick to knowing what to say the “difficult no” to, especially when I REALLY want to do it, feel I should do it, or feel conflicted about an opportunity. 
  • How FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) can trip up smart, high-achieving business leaders who really can “do it all” – but really shouldn’t.  
  • Why a small twist on the “Hell No or Hell Yes” principle can be your best decision making tool 


Mentioned In this Episode: 

Profit Explosion Toolkit 

Join us in the FREE Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers to learn how to amplify results and expand your impact with your work. 

Aug 7, 2017

The road to success is often filled with twists, turns and some surprising truths about what it really takes to create a successful business. As a business coach and mentor, I’ve discovered many people have it all wrong! In this episode of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll share 3 things I discovered by coaching thought leaders and through behind-the-scenes conversations with other business leaders – and I was not only surprised, but relieved to know that some of these truths are more common that you would think.   

Key Takeaways 

  • The question asked by an audience member at a women’s leadership conference sparked a conversation revealing the truth about debt and investing in your future business success.  
  • Why I think work-life balance is a complete myth that sets most leaders up for failure – and the empowering technique I use instead.  
  • What the most successful entrepreneurs do when fear crops up (hint: it’s not “feel the fear and do it anyway.) 
  • The importance of your support network as you evolve from entrepreneur into a business leader.  
  • The real purpose of planning that most newer entrepreneurs, coaches and service professionals miss the benefit of. 


Mentioned In this Episode: 

Profit Explosion Toolkit 

Join us in the FREE Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers to learn how to amplify results and expand your impact with your work. 

Jul 31, 2017

Mastermind groups have become quite popular for increasing impact – but not all groups are the same. In this episode of Amplify Your Success podcast I’m joined my mastermind expert, Karyn Greenstreet to talk about how to launch and facilitate powerful mastermind groups that expand your income and impact. 

About the Expert: 

Karyn Greenstreet is a small business consultant and a mastermind group expert, and the owner of The Success Alliance, a website devoted to helping people start and grow their own mastermind groups. She has been creating and running mastermind groups since 1994 and teaches classes on starting and facilitating mastermind groups. She’s helped numerous individuals, Chambers of Commerce, and professional associations to create powerful, valuable groups. 


Key Takeaways 

  • How group coaching and masterminds are VERY different (you’ll want to know so you launch – or join – the right type of group.) 
  • Four important steps to follow when launching you own mastermind group. 
  • Why a paid mastermind provides a very different type of experience than a free mastermind group. 
  • Why size matters when evaluating the best type of mastermind groups. 
  • The most important reason for a coach or entrepreneur to start hosting their own mastermind groups. 

Connect with Karyn 


Mentioned In this Episode: 

Join the Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers 

Jul 24, 2017

 Fear is a trickster – and can disguise itself into rational, logical thought patterns that actually hold an entrepreneur or business leader back. In this episode of Amplify Your Success, discover the 10 most common signs that fear is in charge of your future success, and what to do to calm your fears so you can reclaim your small business growth momentum. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Fear is a trickster – and can disguise itself as logic and a safe way to grow.  
  • How to recognize the 10 most common signs that fear is causing you to play small or make poor decisions for your business growth. 
  • How your confidence level becomes a fear buster (if you handle this situation properly.) 
  • The common bootstrapping strategy that is actually a fear holding you back. 
  • What to do when you recognize a fear is having a big impact on your decision making or goals. 


Mentioned In this Episode: 

Influential Profits Quiz 

Rapid Cash Strategies Free Download 

Join us in the FREE Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers to learn how to amplify results and expand your impact with your work. 

Jul 17, 2017

 Studies show that highly successful people can 10X their performance by starting their day with a morning power routine. In this episode of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll share six fast, highly impactful habits that can transform a lack of focus and procrastination into a peak performance machine. 


Key Takeaways 

  • How you start your morning has such a huge impact on your productivity and results you create during the day. 
  • What to do in your waking moments to create your ideal day – and propel you towards your big vision and dream goals! 
  • The most important morning habit that can make or break your energy for the day. 
  • How one glass of water at a specific time in the morning can make your brain perform better. 
  • And three things every entrepreneur, business leader and high-achiever must STOP doing immediately to improve mental performance and reduce stress. 


Mentioned In this Episode: 

Featured Productivity Resource on  

MoneyDNA Mastery  

15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management, by Kevin Kruse 

Join us in the FREE Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers to learn how to amplify results and expand your impact with your work. 


Jul 10, 2017

As a business owner, if you don’t know your most important business statistics, you could be making poor decisions on where to invest your time and energy. 

In today’s episode of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’m breaking down five really important data points to review each month to make sure that you really know how well your business is performing. But more importantly, knowing all five will help you market your business better!

Key Takeaways 

  • What the right data can tell you about the health of your business and bottom line. 
  • Why knowing five key data points will help you make better decisions about your marketing and product development. 
  • The single most important stat you track that can save you thousands of hours you might waste on the wrong activities. 
  • A simple way to track your most important business data so you don’t “forget” to capture and review it. 


Mentioned In this Episode: 

Awaken Leadership Mastermind 

Join the Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers 


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