Highly successful people are always prey for internet trolls, cyber bullies and critics. It’s almost like they make it their job to take you down and keep you small. But a rising star can’t let other people hold them back so in this episode I share how to deal with online attacks and criticism so it doesn’t destroy your confidence and motivation.
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If fear, shame, sadness or judgement gets triggered in certain situations or conversations, chances are those moments can take you “out of the game” and you’ll lose valuable time and energy. Everyone gets triggered from time to time so in this episode Amplify Your Success Community member Kristi Stone courageously steps into the On Air Coaching to work through a pattern trigger where she doesn’t feel heard (which can be very limiting for a creative muse like Kristi!)
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Often the reason you haven’t achieved a big goal lies in whether you are merely interested in it, or you’ve committed to be all in. In this week’s episode I’ll explore 7 signs that you are not really committed to your goal – even if you think you are – along with the four ways to upgrade your ability to pull off your biggest vision and elusive goals.
Key Takeaways
Mentioned In this Episode:
FREE: Rewired for Wealth Mindset book
Join the Amplify Success Community for visionary entrepreneurs, thought leader and change makers
One of the fastest ways to increase impact and income is through boosting your social media influence. In this episode, guest expert Laura Rubinstein shares a simple technique for boosting influence online.
Laura Rubinstein is an award winning Digital Media and Marketing Strategist. She is the author of the bestselling book: Social Media Myths Busted: The Small Business Guide To Online Revenue and she is the founder of the Social Buzz Club a gamified content sharing platform and influencer network. Her mission is to help busy business owners, thought leaders, and emerging companies THRIVE using savvy social media and time saving systems. Laura has optimized marketing plans and branding for over 1,000 businesses. Her profit-generating strategies and popular blog at TransformToday.com make her a highly sought after speaker and consultant.
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Connect with Laura
https://fb.com/coachlaurar https://twitter.com/coachlaura https://linkedin.com/in/laurarubinstein https://instagram.com/coachlaurar https://youtube.com/lauraonsocialmedia
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Special Gift: CRAVE Conversation with Laura
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