If you don’t like the financial results in your small business up to this point then chances are your money mindset is a factor. Money mindset is your ideas, beliefs and thought patterns around making and having money in your life.
If you have an easy time making sales and creating a six figure plus business, you most likely have a highly prosperous mindset. That means as an entrepreneur you are willing to think bigger and tackle the more challenging growth activities in your business.
But if someone tends to grapple with profitability, never has enough cash in the bank and feels frustrated by the process of marketing or sales, then that’s usually a sign of a struggle mindset.
On episode 107 of Amplify Your Success Podcast learn seven powerful prosperity mindsets designed to help you CRUSH IT this year in your money game.
Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.
Key Takeaways
[7 Prosperity Mindsets To Crush Your Money Game on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 107 with @melcoach]
Mentioned In this Episode:
What do you think you could achieve if you had the confidence to step into a more bold and daring version of yourself? An audacious goal? A really big vision? That idea you’ve been talking about for years and years but never find the time to finish?
You need the magic of a bold goal.
Bold goals are really different than any other type of goal. Just by setting a bold goal for yourself you uncover a new level of resourcefulness and resilience. But once you get into action on that goal an entrepreneur can shatter previous limits and outperform their expectations of what’s possible.
On episode 106 of Amplify Your Success Podcast discover I share what happens when you have a bold goal – and how to use it to activate a fierce, powerful version of yourself.
Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.
Key Takeaways
[Why You Need the Magic of a Bold Goal on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 106 with @melcoach]
Mentioned In this Episode:
Ad: Your Revenue Rush
Don’t let your mindset crash and burn by focusing on a lack of sales! Every industry has a slow season when customers turn to other priorities and sales seem to dry up. But what if you had a strategy to use that time productively so that you emerge stronger and ready to conquer your big, bold vision of success?
On episode 105 of Amplify Your Success Podcast discover what you can do when sales go dormant to generate some fast cash, connect with new business and get your business ready to soar into new heights.
Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.
Key Takeaways
[How to Use Your Slow Season Wisely on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 105 with @melcoach]
Mentioned In this Episode:
When you have a service-based business, it’s important to create experiences that wow your customer so you can stand out in a competitive market. The good news is, it doesn’t cost much to do something to make a client feel special. But it will cost you a fortune if you don’t use these five tips to create rapport and connection.
It’s a “Know-Like-Trust” world – so you have to focus on the ways to help your clients bond with you and see you as the ONLY desired company and solution. On episode 104 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll share five ways that even a time-strapped, cost-sensitive small business can gain a competitive edge by doing the little things that matter most.
Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your lessons too.
Key Takeaways
Mentioned In this Episode:
One of my unique jobs during my Corporate career was being part of the Disaster Preparedness team for a Fortune 500 communications company. Our focus? Create a plan to follow during a disaster. I discovered some very simple practices that even a small business can use to keep the business generating income, even if the business owner can’t work.
When I discovered that only 18% of U.S. Small Businesses have any type of disaster plan, I knew it was time to share these simple, low-cost methods to make sure that a natural disaster or illness doesn’t derail you and your bold goals. On episode 103 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll take you behind the scenes of several “disaster proofed” small businesses – and what you can do today to keep afloat.
Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your lessons too.
Key Takeaways
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