
Amplify Your Success

Amplify Your Success is the only podcast for coaches, consultants, course creators and experts that integrates practical and proven business strategy along with mindset, motivation and energetic tools to amplify impact, income and influence. If you are looking to shatter your earning limits while making a massive impact with your business superpowers, tune in to hear 22 year business veteran Melanie Benson host power-packed conversations with other business industry leaders. Discover more tools and resources at
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Dec 28, 2020

Can your financial numbers dictate what direction you take your business if you want to make more money?

You bet it can. Your numbers tell a story, and the story can reveal whether you are focusing on the right areas of your business. On Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 211, I pick the brain of this 3-time CFO and multi-millionaire business owner Jeff Prager on how to use his five step plan to bring more cash into your business. Jeff shares his own history of failure, massive success and how he learned to see a success path in the financial numbers of his client’s business. You’ll want to listen in to this episode to help you create your next 12 month financial game plan!


Be sure to join the Amplify Your Authority Group to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • The typical symptoms business owners experience when they lack proper cash flow.
  • What topline growth is and what it means to a business.
  • Three of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make trying to solve their cash flow problems (and one is something MOST of us do!)
  • What the 5 steps are in Jeff’s Make More Money plan (and how you can put this into action in your business now.)
  • Why knowing where you are right now (and committing to stop being an ostrich with their head in the sand) is essential to getting your money situation handled.


About The Guest

Jeff Prager, co-founder of The CFO Project. His company has one purpose: to help you make more money. “We created a system where we go through your numbers on a monthly basis and show you what to look at, when to look at it, how to interpret it and what to do about it. And, best of all, you don’t need to understand accounting or finance.”

Jeff’s breadth of experience is remarkable and extremely valuable to entrepreneurs. He’s been a CPA for over 40 years, so he understands all the confusing numbers stuff. But he’s also an author, speaker, and life-long entrepreneur, not just some paper pusher.

He has been a former CEO/CFO and owner of several successful multimillion-dollar companies and has extraordinary experience such as being:

  • One of the founders of Ashworth Golf Clothing
  • The CFO/partner of a large land development company
  • The owner of Strauss Homes, which was once rated as the second largest privately owned home builder in Colorado and in the top 100 privately owned companies of Colorado (2003).

Jeff has helped dozens of businesses become stronger over many many years of entrepreneurship, and business development. Because of his vast experience as both a CPA and a business owner, he has a firm grasp on the challenge’s businesses face whether they’re start-ups or seasoned pros. He's great at simplifying the numbers and an expert at providing a clear road map to improved profitability and cash flow.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Dec 21, 2020

If you have a business where you sell, teach or deliver training based on your expertise, chances are you understand the value of building a business around your life’s work but you might not know how to earn money with it..

More passion.

A true connection to your big why.

And hopefully a never ending supply of inspiration!

But what happens if you aren’t making money with your life’s work?

On Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 210, I talk with Destinee Berman about what steps to take to actually get paid to do your life’s work in the world and not play it safe or sell out, just because it hasn’t started working yet!


Be sure to join the Amplify Your Authority Group to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • How to know if someone is really doing their “life’s work.”
  • How to earn money and the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to getting paid for their life's work.
  • The internal work that needs to be done to ensure the work is aligned.
  • The #1 sign that someone is selling out on your life’s work (and the cost it has on your health and wealth.)
  • What someone can do right away to monetize their life’s work.


About The Guest

Destinee Berman is a modern marketer, host of Own Your Calling Summit, and a seven figure launch strategist for experts and educators.

With 15 years of marketing experience in Silicon Valley with clients like Twitter, HP and Microsoft -- she left to step into her calling in 2014. She has since launched dozens of digital schools in the personal growth and spiritual self-help markets, generating 15M in revenue the last 5 years. Her passion is helping experts multiply their impact and income through the power and scale of digital courses.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Dec 14, 2020

If you’ve been thinking about getting your message out there on podcasts and virtual stages, but you are holding back because you just don’t feel confident about the podcast pitch process, then tune into this special edition, On Air Coaching for Joyce Buford, host of SecondWind With Joyce.

Podcast guesting is proven to do three things: help you increase your own podcast downloads, attract ideal clients and elevate your authority. But if you don’t know how to deliver a magnetic interview, then you’ll find yourself wasting time and energy. I take my Amplify Inner Circle member through the Get Magnetic Messaging system to help her get “podcast guest ready.” As you listen to Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 209, imagine yourself in the “love seat” as if I was coaching you directly, and I know you’ll walk away with a few great strategies to amplify YOUR guest expert experience.

Join in the conversation in the Amplify Your Authority Facebook Group!

Key Takeaways

  • I coach Joyce on naming her podcast topic to increase chances of getting booked from her podcast pitch.
  • What to put on a one-sheet so that it's magnetic to podcast hosts as well as making it binge-worthy to a podcast listener.
  • When to use a question in your copy (and when you shouldn’t because it will turn off an ideal client.)
  • The difference between a feature and an outcome (and why it matters when you are writing up your topic description)
  • I help Joyce fine-tune the interview questions (and help her create her “Golden Thread” that moves passive listeners into paying clients.)
  • Joyce and I tease out a Bold Influence Formula and a catchy metaphor to make her delivery more compelling
  • I take Joyce through an inner “Amplify” visualization to boost up her confidence and magnetize the right podcasts for her to get booked on.

About the Expert:


Divorcing in midlife after 23 year of marriage, Joyce Buford discovered that fulfillment, joy and thriving in life is possible. After spending years seeking a better way, Joyce discovered her SecondWind delivered a roadmap that she’d only dreamed of for many years.

But the real journey began once Joyce discovered the power of a coach. Today Joyce Buford is a SecondWind Coach and Mentor for Vibrant Women ready for wanting to get that SecondWind in their lives. She is the host of SecondWind with Joyce Podcast.

She works exclusively with women dreaming for life that allows her to thrive and live a fulfilled, passionate life every day. With over 20 years as a business professional, wife, mother, and Director of a Children’s museum, Joyce now hosts the SecondWind With Joyce podcast and is author of Effortless Happiness. Joyce balances working with clients to shorten life events into smooth transitions along with adventures with her children Lauren and Christopher.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Dec 7, 2020

As you grow to new levels of success, don’t be surprised if you encounter new upper limits. An Upper Limit, a term coined by Gay Hendricks in his book, The Big Leap, kicks in when your unconscious mind feels its hit the top of what feels good to achieve. Think of it like the limiter on your car’s gas pedal, once you hit this limit, and because you don’t fully believe you can have more, you might just start sabotaging your next level of success.

I’ve hit these upper limits many times, and you should if you are growing and evolving in your business. What you do when you hit these new limits can make or break your chance of bigger success. Listen in on Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 208 as I share how to recognize your Upper Limit when you hit it, and how to dismantle those limits so you can continue to grow.

Join in the conversation in the Amplify Your Authority Facebook Group!

Key Takeaways

  • How Gay Hendrick’s term, Upper Limiting, could be a game-changer for any business owner
  • Key symptoms of an entrepreneur that is hitting their upper limits, but not realizing the impact.
  • What over-efforting, over-working or over-delivering is telling you about your upper limit
  • Why getting sick or hurt just after a big win could mean you have a “fear of success”
  • Five things to do to dismantle your Upper LImit so it no longer holds you back

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:


Nov 30, 2020

A client emergency comes up, a project takes longer than expected, a time-sensitive opportunity comes up and next thing you know months have passed without any progress.

Instead of feeling defeated or giving up, look at the excuses you are making.

Chances are you’ve trained your brain to make really compelling excuses for why you can’t afford it, don’t have time or know how.

So let’s discover a better way, banish those excuses that derail your progress and become unstoppable! On Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 207, I talk with Victoria Pelletier, author of Unstoppable, on how to recognize the excuses that hold you back in life and business.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Authority Group to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • The power of obstacles to forge an unstoppable personal brand.
  • What an entrepreneur or business owner can do differently to start feeling unstoppable (no matter what challenge they are facing.)
  • What becoming an executive at a young age taught Victoria about success.
  • How Victoria brought her personal unstoppable brand to her work (and became IBMs #1 social seller per LinkedIn.)

About The Guest

Victoria Pelletier is the Vice President of IBM’s North American Talent & Transformation practice; she is a senior executive with over two decades of progressive experience in strategy, operations, growth initiatives, and business and talent development.

She is a visionary leader with a passion for innovation, creativity and Diversity & Inclusion. In fact, Victoria has won both the 2020 Mentor of the Year award from Women in Communications & Technology AND the 2019 HSBC Diversity & Inclusion in Innovation Award.

Victoria serves as a board member for several organizations; she is also a published author, in-demand public speaker and appears regularly on national TV. An inspiring professional with impeccable credentials, Victoria is a trusted voice among peers and emerging executives.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:


Nov 23, 2020

Have you ever had sales conversations where something went awry...and you just couldn’t figure out what went wrong? Maybe you need a little facial intelligence training?

Rapport and connection is critical and any good salesperson and all service professionals know that the chances of a client enrollment goes up when the potential client feels that “Know Like & Trust” factor.

But sometimes, you think there is rapport but the prospect just isn’t feeling it! Even though they are saying the right things, their face could reveal their true feelings. On Amplify Your Success Podcast, I talk with Facial Acuity expert Michelle Butt about how we can start tuning into the visual cues humans give in their facial expressions to help us guide them through the sales conversation. This is such a unique skill set that you’ll have an unfair advantage over your competition.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.

Key Takeaways

  • What facial Intelligence and how it can be used in a variety of sales conversations to improve outcomes.
  • Why facial acuity can give you a leading advantage in sales, negotiations, leadership development and even as you are coaching your clients.
  • What eyebrow movements can tell us about a client’s inner decision making.


About The Guest

Michelle Butt, creator of the Facial Intelligence™ body of work, has come to know a thing or two about how and what drives people to believe in someone else enough to buy from them.


After more than 10 years of studying human communication, she understands how coaches, consultants and mentors need to show up to that crucial sales call in order to get that “yes” and truly begin the process of changing someone else’s life (and their own in the process).

By creating and implementing the F.A.S.T Method (Facial Acuity Sales Tactics), she has helped herself and many other coaches and consultants to use the face of others as the blueprint and catalyst for gaining a client and increasing their business’s success and revenue.

Michelle holds an Honours BA in Linguistics from The University of Toronto, is a Master Coach and a Facial Intelligence Expert and has been featured at TedXToronto, Reinvention Radio and OMTimes Magazine.

All her research and results have shown that the face is the starting place of any transformational journey and leveraging the information you see in a face is the key to changing the results you are getting in your sales process.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Nov 16, 2020

You’ve got this side hustle idea. Maybe it's a new venture for your current business or you are starting up a brand new business. Do you know when it's time to put the proper legal protections in place?

Nine out of ten times, an entrepreneur has waited too long to protect their online business!

On Amplify Your Success Podcast, Robert Wright, PLLC, joins me to share the advice he’s given thousands of business owners on when to seek out legal counsel and establish the proper business protection.


Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.

Key Takeaways

●      What a side-hustle is (and why they are so CRAZY popular, especially right now.)
●      The signs you are a side-hustler that needs protection.
●      Some of the big myths about entity formation and why most entrepreneurs wait way too long to set up their proper business foundation.
●      The problem with bootstrappers who use Mycorporation and other cheap solutions.
●      What should a business owner look for when hiring a business lawyer.


About The Guest

Robert Wright is the founder of Wright Law Office, PLLC - a boutique virtual law practice that helps e-commerce sellers across the globe protect and scale their online businesses.

Since launching his practice, Robert has advised thousands of e-commerce sellers on how to protect their personal assets, bulletproof their brands, weaponize their works and safeguard their sales online. To better understand the needs of his clients, Robert launched his own physical products business and currently sells in the United States and throughout Europe.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Nov 9, 2020

The more complicated your business becomes, and the more you scale your growth, the more decisions you’ll have to make.

Recently I heard Robert Brus, host of Go All In, talk about Decision Fatigue when he joined me on episode 202. A light bulb went off and I realized how often I have hit this emotional fatigue state when making lots of decisions during growth.

Curious, I researched how to beat Decision Fatigue in order to make better decisions faster in my small business.

Listen in to hear what I discovered that’s helping me stay out of fatigue and make better decisions.

Key Takeaways

  • What Decision Fatigue is and why it has become a common problem for leaders and business owners.
  • The surprisingly simple thing that CEOs like Steve Jobs and world leaders like Barack Obama do each morning to keep their decision capacity high.
  • Three signs that you are experiencing Decision Fatigue and may not know it.
  • Feeling the sting of this emotional fatigue? 5 things you can do this week to get back to productivity and better decision making.
  • How to leverage your team to get through routine decisions that bogg you down.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Oct 26, 2020

Going All-In means you are fully committed to success and you’ve learned to master your mind. This mindset is very different from many entrepreneurs use in their business. The key is what you do when things get challenging! Do you “double down” and find a way to make it work? Or do you give up and jump to the next idea, hoping THAT will be the winning business?

Mindset is so important that I asked author and fellow podcaster, Robert Brus to join me on Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 202 to share how he is Going All In -- and how to master your mindset to tap into this powerful force for success.


Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • Why Robert walked away from a 7 figure, highly successful consulting business.
  • What it can mean for an entrepreneur to Go All-In on their business.
  • The surprising effect that Going All-In has on your productivity and ability to achieve.
  • Robert covers a few signs you are not all in (and these might just surprise you!)
  • Robert’s formula to setting self up for success
  • The 7 pillars to master your mind
  • The impact that “decision fatigue” can have on your stress levels


About The Guest

Rob Brus is the Founder of Go All In, a podcast centered on deep-dive conversations with guests to learn from their unadulterated failures and euphoric successes. He has interviewed BIG names like Grant Cardone on his podcast and people from all walks of life with amazing 'all in' stories that listeners can draw inspiration from to 'do whatever it takes' and live life to its absolute maximum potential.

With over 15 years of digital marketing and business development experience, Robert strategically connects industry experts, executives, thought leaders, and podcasters on Go All In to build connections and create impactful stories and lessons that will bring value to the world.

He recently released his Masterclass: Master Your Mind and Go All In, which is a culmination of his 15 years of entrepreneurial experience, 400+ podcast interviews, and 10+ years in the army.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Oct 19, 2020

As a business owner, hiring independent contractors can be a great way to get more done. But these days, there are some tricky laws in the United States (and especially California) that define whether someone needs to be categorized as an employee or an independent contractor. Not to mention the confusion many service professionals are facing with some fuzzy boundaries around client expectations.

I asked a legal expert to join me on Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 201 to talk through the in’s and out’s of hiring independent contractors so you stay out of trouble with the law!


Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • What the difference between an independent contractor and an employee is (hint: it's not the commonly understood definition.)
  • What the 3 factors of mischaracterization are and how they can put you in “hot water” as a business owner who uses independent contractors.
  • The big exemption for independent contractors (does it apply to you -- or your virtual contractor?)
  • How to determine if someone is an independent contractor using the new law.
  • 4 simple things you can do as a business owner to protect yourself.


About The Guest

Nicole Cheri Oden is an attorney licensed in the State of California for over 8 years.

After 4 1/2 years at a big firm, she became a mama. She knew that if she wanted to be present while her daughter grew up, she had to make some big changes. So she started her own law firm and spent the next 2 years learning how to actively create a work-life balance while teaching other women to do the same thing.

After receiving countless questions from other online entrepreneurs who were just so overwhelmed with legal, she pivoted in her coaching to offer legal templates to take the expense and overwhelm out of the process for them. Because while you don’t have to devote all your time, energy, and money to addressing legal issues, as an entrepreneur you do have to become familiar with the law.

Nicole also works one-on-one with California based business owners for custom contracts and policies.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Oct 12, 2020

I’m celebrating 200 episodes of Amplify Your Success Podcast this week! With “podfade” at an all time high and entrepreneurs abandoning their podcasts because it “just wasn’t working,” I hope you’ll discover in these five lessons learned after eight years podcasting (and two popular podcasts later) how to create a powerful podcast that YOU and your community love.

Listen in to hear the same advice I’d give my $22k Amplify Mastermind members and I share from stages all over the world that will help you monetize your podcast.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • Lesson #1 - Why you aren’t just creating a podcast but an intimate connection with a listener and community where the Know-Like-Trust Factor is invaluable.
  • Lesson #2 - How to avoid the “build it and they will come” myth - my five best strategies for attracting listeners to your show.
  • Lesson #3 - Why your podcast is WAY more than a lead generation tool.
  • Lesson #4 - Why I went beyond podcast guesting to start my own podcast (and how to know when you should too!)
  • Lesson #5 - Don’t give up on your podcast before the pay off occurs (there IS more than one way to monetize your effort to be the host of your own show.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Oct 5, 2020

Have you ever heard of the go-giver way? Businesses needs sales but selling isn’t always an entrepreneur’s favorite activity. Sales training can help, but there often mainstream systems miss out on the mindset component. Bob Burg, co-author of the Go-Giver series of sales training, has a unique set of values around selling that has become a go-to for business owners and sales people who value giving as much as receiving.

Bob joins me on Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 199 for a mini sales training that will give you practical advice to transform your results (yep, this episode is jam-packed full of sales tips and mindset shifts!)

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • The process of predictably achieving a goal is and how it helped Bob overcome “mediocre” sales.
  • What “selling the go-giver way” really is.
  • Why you want to be a “go-giver” or “go-getter” - but not a “taker” - in your business.
  • How The Go-Giver uses The Law of Value to grow profits while continuing to deliver massive value.
  • The Golden Rule of Sales and how it can help any business owner by leaning into other people’s wins.
  • Bob reveals why giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin (and why this principle is key for free market success.)
  • What the biggest fear of most salespeople is (hint: it's not the fear you think it is!)
  • How vicarious experience of your prospects can help boost the “know-like-trust” factor in the buying process.
  • A simple question and a common emotional state that will help you navigate objections more effectively.
  • Using the bridge technique to ask for referrals so you actually receive more of them from your best clients.





About The Guest

Bob Burg is a sought-after speaker at company sales conferences sharing the platform with everyone from today’s business leaders and broadcast personalities to even a former U.S. President.

Bob is the author of a number of books on sales, marketing and influence, with total book sales of well over a million copies. His book, The Go-Giver, coauthored with John David Mann, itself has sold over 950,000 copies and it has been translated into 28 languages.

The book he was first known for is Endless Referrals: Network Your Everyday Contacts into Sales considered by many a "sales classic” which has sold over 300,000 copies and to this day is credited by many top sales professionals to be THE book upon which they built their sales success.

Bob is an advocate, supporter and defender of the Free Enterprise system, believing that the amount of money one makes is directly proportional to how many people they serve. He is also an unapologetic animal fanatic, and is a past member of the Board of Directors of Furry Friends Adoption, Clinic & Ranch in his town of Jupiter, Florida.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Sep 28, 2020

A membership site is a popular business model...but is this the right model for YOU? Membership programs can produce six and seven-figure revenue (while it leverages your time and knowledge.) But not all membership programs work well, and many online business owners launch their membership site only to get a dribble of clients.

However, Catherine Watkin has been growing a thriving membership program with a 96% retention rate -- and has discovered there is a very simple reason hers works so well.

Catherine joins me on Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 198 to share her secret to growing her business through her membership site.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • The key question to decide if a membership site is the right business model.
  • How Catherine launched her membership program.
  • The super-simple reason Catherine experiences a high retention rate of 96% when a "good" average retention rate for membership is 90%.
  • Where a membership fits into a typical business model.
  • What 3 pieces of advice Catherine has for a business owner BEFORE they launch a membership program.


About The Guest

Catherine Watkin, the founder of Selling from the Heart, is the UK’s leading expert in authentic and heart-centered sales. She works with business owners who feel called to make a difference to others but struggle to get clients because they feel so awkward when it comes to selling their services.

Through her online course and membership, she teaches them how to sell in a way that feels authentic and comfortable for both them and the client - so they are finally able to do the work they know they are here to do. Catherine is an inspiring role model for how it is possible to create a successful business without resorting to sleazy or manipulative sales and marketing techniques.



Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

  • Take Catherine’s Authentic Sales Style Quiz: Discover what your natural strengths are when it comes to sales (even if you can’t see it yet), as well as what why you might currently be struggling with sales, including some tips to get you started having more effective sales conversations – that you can actually enjoy!
Sep 21, 2020

As a leader, there will be times that a business challenge arises and everything you planned goes out the window. Global events (you know, like a pandemic or industry crash) can send your team into a motivational tailspin and productivity drops. Even a simple launch fails and frustration amongst team members can create a need to lead differently.

This is the time you need to know how to lead your team through business challenges, according to Tony Martignetti. I talk with Tony on Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 197 about what business leaders can do to help your team members feel more inspired, clear on their action steps, and keep your business profitable.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • What teams really need from their leader (or business owner) to navigate through a business challenge.
  • The three types of challenges that surface that require a business owner to change tactics.
  • What the leader’s role is during a crisis or business challenge.
  • How a business owner, CEO or leader can ensure that changes “stick” and the team follows through on new initiatives.
  • What some of the traits are of an inspired leader (and why these traits are needed right now more than ever!)


About The Guest

Tony Martignetti is a leadership coach, entrepreneur, idea generator, and people connector. He brings together practical experience, formal training, and extreme curiosity, to elevate leaders and equip them with the tools to navigate through change.

He guides people to find clarity in their lives, so they are energized, fully present, and unstoppable. When leaders unlock their potential and lead from a place of inspired purpose, they impact and inspire everyone around them. He has dedicated himself to helping people live an inspired life.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Sep 14, 2020

When it comes to marketing are you taking into consideration your customer’s mindset when they are making the purchase so you know how to sell the way they want to buy?

If not, you are missing one of the most important elements of marketing and sales. According to my guest on Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 197 Kristin Zhivago, if you understand the customer’s Mindset, and make an offer that appeals to their specific Mindset, all of your marketing efforts, in any channel, will work as they should. Your customer will get what he or she wants, and you will get what you want: a sale.

Listen in on  Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 196 to hear Kristin’s revolutionary way of marketing that’s transforming the results of her clients.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • How buyers are buying differently than they have in the past impacts how to sell what they want.
  • The four types of scrutiny that impact each sale.
  • What Mindset driven marketing is and how it plays out in your sales process.
  • What’s REALLY in the way of companies selling the way their customers want to buy (if your sales are slow, you’ll want to know this!)
  • How a business owner or CEO can fix their sales process and tap into the secret buying language of their clients.



About The Guest

Kristin Zhivago, revenue coach, is the president of Zhivago Partners, a digital marketing management company, and author of Roadmap to Revenue: How to Sell the Way Your Customers Want to Buy. Zhivago and her team of digital marketing experts focus on helping clients meet their revenue goals by using “Mindset-Driven Marketing,” which matches the offer to the Mindset for a positive outcome.

Zhivago spent years in the tech industry doing revenue coaching, marketing and sales turnarounds, and creating campaigns. As a leading marketer working in Silicon Valley in the wild west days, she introduced many of the technologies we all use today, including email, voicemail, spreadsheets and dozens of other applications, semiconductors, personal computers, industrial control systems, touchscreens, telecom and networking equipment, security systems and more.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

  • Get Kristin’s Free Guide: How to Sell The Way Your Customer’s Want to Buy
Sep 7, 2020

People who create content for their online business are sitting on a copyright goldmine…and they don’t even know it. It’s true—blog posts, photos, articles, podcasts, videos are all Intellectual Property. Even with the best practices, way too many entrepreneurs experience a rude wake-up call and are shocked to find their valuable property on someone else’s website because they didn’t protect their content.

So many experts have become victims of content theft, and it is a nightmare to pursue these thieves. The problem of content theft is escalating; its impact is in the millions of dollars. Some of these entrepreneurs are so frustrated that they even stop leveraging the value of content marketing...and that is a huge mistake as well!

It's time to reclaim your content goldmine and protect it so you can leverage it to attract clients-- without worrying your precious ideas will be stolen.

My guest Barbara Ingrassia is a copyright expert who specializes in helping online business owners and content creators protect their content and unique ideas so they can share them without the worry.

Listen in on  Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 195 to hear Barbara’s valuable advice (and how she used Get Magnetic Messaging to help her spread her message on podcasts!)

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • What a content goldmine is and how to know if YOU need to protect your content.
  • Why Barbara started her business as a copyright expert in her golden years (if you are thinking of shifting gears later in life you MUST hear her story!)
  • Six examples of valuable online content that entrepreneurs and online business owners are prolifically creating that must be protected by copyright!
  • Four steps you can take today to start protecting your content goldmine (and keep it from sliding into content quicksand.)
Aug 31, 2020

Did you start a podcast to help fill your real estate coaching program or to drive leads to your business?

Hosting your own podcast is a valuable authority positioning platform, but getting that podcast to drive qualified leads to your own business can be tricky.

My guest J. Massey, author of the Cash Flow Diary and host of the Cash Flow Diary Podcast, stumbled into being a podcaster completely by accident! But once he did, he noticed his podcast had a profitable impact on his coaching business. Listen in on  Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 194 to hear J’s unique path to becoming a top podcaster -- and how he’s leveraging those listeners to fill his coaching programs.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • How J. Massey accidentally started a popular real estate coaching podcast, simply by wanting to teach his kids what he does.
  • What J. did that caused podcast listeners to become coaching clients.
  • J’s secret to delivering massive value and growing the listenership of his successful podcast, com.
  • How J’s book, Cash Flow Diary, became a part of his client attraction process.
  • A unique aspect of J’s life that is a catalyst for him to take bold action and continue to grow


About The Guest

  1. Massey is the CEO and Founder of Cashflow Diary, a training and development brand for building short-term rental entrepreneurs. Before Cashflow Diary, J raised capital and invested in traditional real estate (single-family homes, note brokering and holding, cell phone towers, commercial real estate, and apartment buildings). J built a community of thousands of like-minded people from 16 countries that he learns from every day and shares his knowledge through his Cashflow Diary podcast, YouTube channel, Facebook groups, and annual Short-Term Rental Summit training events.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

  • Claim your copy of the Free Short-Term Rental Playbook at and set a cash flow goal with J.
Aug 24, 2020

Your competition could become your #1 lead source -- and you don’t have to pay for expensive FB ads or do anything shady.

I generated multiple six figures in my first few years in business by tapping into the prospect pools of my biggest competitors -- and it was always a win-win-win. But first, you’ll need to understand the key principle to unlock this powerful lead generation strategy.

Listen in and I’ll share how on  Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 193 -- and you’ll uncover one of the best ways to accelerate your prospecting process.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.

Key Takeaways

  • How I aligned with my competitors early on in my business (and generated easily over $500k in new business.)
  • The key to unlocking a valuable lead source prospect pool so that it's a win-win-win for you, your colleague and your new clients.
  • Three different ways you can tap into your superpower and accelerate access to prospects who NEED WHAT YOU DO!
  • Why I like podcast guesting MOST of the three strategies (hint: its low-cost and highly effective for everyone involved.)


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Aug 17, 2020

We’ve all had lost leads in some way. Have you ever had that perfect conversation with a potential client only for them to “ghost you” and never return? You might wonder, “Should I follow up on these lost leads?” or “Am I being too stalkerish if I email them a few times?”

Knowing what to do with those “lost leads” is always a bit of a quandary. Chances are though you’ve lost some leads that you could entice back into a sale! My guest on  Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 192 is an expert at helping people reclaim those leads that most people dismiss.

Kimberly Weitkamp joins me to share a few of her proven strategies to move those losses into interested prospects and help you convert some sales!

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • The surprising reason most leads get lost (and the super simple remedy that can improve sales by 50%)
  • The rule of thumb for how often you should stay in touch with a prospect who isn’t ready to buy.
  • The definitive sign it's time to let your ‘lost lead’ go and create space for your perfect clients.
  •  Kimberly’s tried and true method to stop leads from getting "lost".

About The Guest

Kimberly Weitkamp is a successful marketing strategist and conversion copywriter. She’s the host of the Audience Converter Podcast and co-host of Chatting with Copywriters. She developed the Audience Conversion Method to help entrepreneurs convert their audience from strangers to loyal fans.

Kimberly works with her clients to attract, build and grow an engaged audience to create long-term customers through email marketing, conversion copywriting and storytelling. She's dedicated to helping more people in the world make a positive impact by building their community through the right marketing and strategy.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Aug 10, 2020

Entrepreneurship can be really messy. Once you set your sights on leaping into the 7 and 8 figure revenues as a business owner, that messiness often gets transferred to your style and prohibits your leadership success. A messy leader can quickly derail the growth you’ve worked so hard to create.

If you want to scale your business, you’ll need to learn how to lead successfully. My guest on  Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 191 knows how quickly leadership can become a management mess. Scott Miller, VP of Thought Leadership for Franklin Covey, is a highly creative person who quickly discovered the cost of messy management. As he discovered a better way to lead, he documented at least 30 ways to achieve better results and shares them in his best-selling book, Management Mess to Leadership Success.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • What a Management Mess is (and why even entrepreneurs are not immune to making a mess in their team and their business growth.)
  • How a business owner can recognize if they are being a total ‘Management Mess’ (before they lose key team members or destroy important business relationships.)
  • Scott’s personal story behind writing Management Mess (and how he got Franklin Covey on board to support his side-hustle.)
  • The one challenge that every business owner should give themselves FIRST to create leadership success.


About The Guest

Scott Miller is a 24-year associate of FranklinCovey and serves as the executive vice president of Thought Leadership. Scott hosts the world’s largest and fastest-growing podcast/newsletter devoted to leadership development, On Leadership.

Scott is the author of the multi-week Amazon #1 New Release, Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow, and the Wall Street Journal best-seller, Everyone Deserves a Great Manager: The 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team. Scott authors a weekly leadership column for and is a frequent contributor on podcasts, and webinars.

Previously, Scott worked for the Disney Development Company, and grew up in Central Florida. He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife and three sons.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Aug 3, 2020

Got money issues? Are your bills greater than your bank account and you don’t know how to get ahead? Does your financial situation keep you from investing in your business so you can grow your reach?

What if you could take control of your money so you stop feeling like money is controlling your choices?

On Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 190 Karen Abrams joins me to share what’s really causing your money issues and how Theta healing can help you break free of money blocks, instantly improve your relationship with money and heal those money gremlins once and for all!

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • How you can identify that "one thing" that is holding you back from reaching your true potential.
  • The tell-tale signs that a person is holding themselves back around making and having money.
  • Where deep beliefs about money come from (this one might just surprise you.)
  • What Theta Healing is and how it helps unblock money issues. 

Revitalizing Your Health and Wealth evening meditation, geared to helping heal your health and your relationship with money.


About The Guest

Karen Abrams is a UCLA educated entrepreneur, Master Theta Healer and gifted intuitive. For more than 17 years, she has helped professional women release self-sabotaging habits and gain confidence, financial security and personal fulfillment.

Karen works with clients and groups worldwide to transform their subconscious beliefs and break free from trapped emotions, traumas and limiting mindsets, to build the success they desire and deserve. She is known for integrating her energetic work with practical tools to bring about powerful results.

Karen’s keen sense of humor, insight, and healing abilities have made her a rising star on radio, podcasts and the international telesummit circuit in the Human Potential movement.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Jul 27, 2020

If you’ve ever said yes to an opportunity only to later discover it was a complete time-suck and didn’t deliver your desired results, then you know how important it is to pick good opportunities.

Back in my Fortune 500 days, I learned a very valuable way to weed out the bright, shiny objects to uncover the most aligned opportunities. It all starts with an Opportunity Filter.

Here’s just a few of the areas of your business you can use an Opportunity Filter:

  • A potential speaking gig or virtual event
  • Evaluating a “cool idea” for a new offering
  • Deciding on which trainings or events to attend
  • Whether or not to move forward on a partner deal or promoting a colleague

Knowing what opportunities should get your YES is a valuable skill to have, but most entrepreneurs chase opportunities that take up time and energy…often with dismal results. But when you learn to evaluate the opportunities that seem to flow in like a firehose, you’ll find you have more time to make the RIGHT opportunities successful.

On Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 189, I’ll reveal five questions you must ask before you say YES to that next opportunity.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to access additional training on this topic!


Key Takeaways

  • Why saying no to “distractions” is the key to eliminating overwhelm in your life and business.
  • What an opportunity filter is and why even Fortune 500 companies use them to protect the time and resources of their assets.
  • The difference between values and priorities (and which one often suffers in decision making)
  • Why your opportunity cost needs to factor in to your decision making so you don’t derail your most important projects.
  • How Cuba Gooding Jr’s famous line “Show Me The Money” will break your tendency to chase “money pit” opportunities
  • My go-to final decision-making technique that NEVER fails to make the best decision for my happiness, joy and prosperity


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Jul 20, 2020

Does the idea of sharing your message from stage light you up or cause you to want to hide out?

Speaking on any stage – whether a 500 person in person audience or a virtual event with thousands – can cause some people to feel so much fear that they shrink away from the opportunity to spread their message and attract clients.

On Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 188 Victoria Lioznyansky reveals how to tap into your confidence to share your authentic message while debunking some common myths about how to overcome your public speaking fears.

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • Victoria debunks a common myth about speaking being a natural talent.
    • Why common advice like, “fake it till you make it” and practice, practice, practice are the WORST things you can do if you have hidden fears.
    • What the one thing you should focus on in order to craft a great talk, whether on stage, on video, on podcast or on a livestream.
    • What to do if you make a mistake during your talk or presentation.



About The Guest

Victoria Lioznyansky teaches introverted entrepreneurs and business professionals how to overcome their fear of public speaking and become confident, compelling, captivating speakers.

After moving to the US two decades ago with limited English, Victoria overcame her crippling fear of public speaking to build several businesses, teach in a variety of industries, and speak in front of small and large audiences.

Taking her own experiences going from scared to sought-after speaker, Victoria founded Brilliant Speakers Academy®, an online public speaking coaching program for introverts.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Get Victoria’s Free masterclass "Four steps to overcome your fear of public speaking and deliver a powerful presentation in front of any audience” (whether it’s live on stage, in a meeting, on video, a livestream, or a podcast)

Jul 13, 2020

Have you ever talked yourself out of following up with a potential client? Do you get uncomfortable in sales conversations? Selling is a key part of business success but if you get stuck in The Ick Factor, you might be dropping the sales conversation prematurely, which will significantly impact your revenues.

What if you could get past the Ick Factor and master the art of closing more deals with your perfect clients? Well my friend Christine Schlonski teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and business owners how to sell with more heart.

On Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 187 Christine, who hosts the HeartSells Podcast, joins me to reveal a simple shift in your thinking that can lead to a big shift in your financial success!

Be sure to join the Amplify Your Success Community to hear more.


Key Takeaways

  • How Christine became a masterful sales trainer with over 7 figures in sales.
  • What the biggest common sales challenges are for business owners today.
  • Three really important changes you can make immediately to get past The Ick Factor in sales.
  • Why selling can be fun (this one shift makes you UBER Attractive to potential clients too!)
  • Why Christine teaches “Sales is Love” (and believes this mindset is invaluable to break six (or seven) figures in revenue.



About The Guest

Christine Schlonski, Queen of the Sales-Success-Mindset is a Lifestyle entrepreneur, the Host of Heart Sells! Podcast and the creator of Heart Sells! Academy.

Christine works with heart-centered, impact-driven entrepreneurs who love what they do but feel very uncomfortable when it comes to selling their products and services. She shows them how to sell with ease, grace, and confidence and helps them to ask their price while being authentic in the sales process and true to their values.

Christine’s experience includes over 12 years in successful selling and closing High-Ticket Live Events in the corporate world. As a top producer and Sales Director, she has made millions in revenue herself and through the successful sales teams, she's built throughout her career.

In her heart, she truly believes that Sales is Love and that everyone can learn how to sell while being authentic and enjoying the journey.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

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