
Amplify Your Success

Amplify Your Success is the only podcast for coaches, consultants, course creators and experts that integrates practical and proven business strategy along with mindset, motivation and energetic tools to amplify impact, income and influence. If you are looking to shatter your earning limits while making a massive impact with your business superpowers, tune in to hear 22 year business veteran Melanie Benson host power-packed conversations with other business industry leaders. Discover more tools and resources at
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Now displaying: 2018
Dec 31, 2018

If you don’t like the financial results in your small business up to this point then chances are your money mindset is a factor. Money mindset is your ideas, beliefs and thought patterns around making and having money in your life.

If you have an easy time making sales and creating a six figure plus business, you most likely have a highly prosperous mindset. That means as an entrepreneur you are willing to think bigger and tackle the more challenging growth activities in your business.

But if someone tends to grapple with profitability, never has enough cash in the bank and feels frustrated by the process of marketing or sales, then that’s usually a sign of a struggle mindset.

On episode 107 of Amplify Your Success Podcast learn seven powerful prosperity mindsets designed to help you CRUSH IT this year in your money game.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • Why money mindset is just as critical to your success as having a solid marketing strategy
  • How important commitment is since mindset alone is not enough to override distractions and common fears
  • One new mindset you MUST develop if you tend to procrastinate marketing or sales activities in your small business.
  • The difference between playing to win…and playing not to lose…when it comes to making effective growth decisions
  • The most important mindset shift a six or seven figure business owner needs, especially if they spend as much as they make!


[7 Prosperity Mindsets To Crush Your Money Game on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 107 with @melcoach]

Mentioned In this Episode:

Dec 24, 2018

What do you think you could achieve if you had the confidence to step into a more bold and daring version of yourself? An audacious goal? A really big vision? That idea you’ve been talking about for years and years but never find the time to finish?

You need the magic of a bold goal.

Bold goals are really different than any other type of goal. Just by setting a bold goal for yourself you uncover a new level of resourcefulness and resilience. But once you get into action on that goal an entrepreneur can shatter previous limits and outperform their expectations of what’s possible.

On episode 106 of Amplify Your Success Podcast discover I share what happens when you have a bold goal – and how to use it to activate a fierce, powerful version of yourself.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • What’s different about a bold goal from other “every day” goals that you set and forget.
  • Two of the reasons smart, capable small business owners and expert-preneurs set big goals then get derailed.
  • How the mindset is your great asset around dissolving fear and doubt that normally hold you back.
  • Why you normally won’t have confidence and courage before you tackle the goal (but how it kicks into high gear once you get into action!)
  • A little known positive side-effect of having a goal that is WAY bigger than you know how to pull off.
  • One actionable step you can use today to get your big idea off the ground.


[Why You Need the Magic of a Bold Goal on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 106 with @melcoach]

Mentioned In this Episode:


Ad: Your Revenue Rush

Dec 17, 2018

Don’t let your mindset crash and burn by focusing on a lack of sales! Every industry has a slow season when customers turn to other priorities and sales seem to dry up. But what if you had a strategy to use that time productively so that you emerge stronger and ready to conquer your big, bold vision of success?

On episode 105 of Amplify Your Success Podcast discover what you can do when sales go dormant to generate some fast cash, connect with new business and get your business ready to soar into new heights.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • The “one-two” revenue rush technique to transform a dry sales spell into a burst of revenue.
  • Why using your slow time to reach out to current customers, previous clients and lost sales could revitalize your business with new opportunities.
  • Four foundational areas to work on that will get you strong and ready for a burst of growth.
  • When your sales slowdown, see it as a gift rather than a stressful time. Use it to vision for future goals, handle big projects or develop something new and exciting!
  • The four-step planning process to get clear on your next steps (slow times are GREAT times to get into planning.)
  • Why taking time away to recharge and reboot YOU, the leader, is just as critical as working on new sales or planning.


[How to Use Your Slow Season Wisely on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 105 with @melcoach]


Mentioned In this Episode:

Dec 10, 2018

When you have a service-based business, it’s important to create experiences that wow your customer so you can stand out in a competitive market. The good news is, it doesn’t cost much to do something to make a client feel special. But it will cost you a fortune if you don’t use these five tips to create rapport and connection.

It’s a “Know-Like-Trust” world – so you have to focus on the ways to help your clients bond with you and see you as the ONLY desired company and solution. On episode 104 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll share five ways that even a time-strapped, cost-sensitive small business can gain a competitive edge by doing the little things that matter most.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your lessons too.


Key Takeaways

  • Wowing a customer is way more than overdelivering value and expectations. In today’s economy, you’ve got to do more to stand out and be special.
  • A common product delivery mistake made by businesses across the globe is making a customer feel like a number instead of a valued client.
  • Three simple, inexpensive ways to welcome a client and keep the relationship strong over the course of your contract.
  • Why fast, clear communication has such a significant impact on the lifetime value of a client (and conversely, the cost of not having good communication.)
  • Struggle to get testimonials? Be sure to catch tip four where I share an easy way to reaffirm your value AND get testimonials from your clients.
  • What some of my FAVORITE referral thank you gifts are (and why you can’t afford to NOT acknowledge a referral in today’s market.)


Mentioned In this Episode:

Dec 3, 2018

One of my unique jobs during my Corporate career was being part of the Disaster Preparedness team for a Fortune 500 communications company. Our focus? Create a plan to follow during a disaster. I discovered some very simple practices that even a small business can use to keep the business generating income, even if the business owner can’t work.

When I discovered that only 18% of U.S. Small Businesses have any type of disaster plan, I knew it was time to share these simple, low-cost methods to make sure that a natural disaster or illness doesn’t derail you and your bold goals. On episode 103 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll take you behind the scenes of several “disaster proofed” small businesses – and what you can do today to keep afloat.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your lessons too.


Key Takeaways

  • Four everyday situations that could shut down cash flow and cost a business owner a fortune (unless you have a disaster recovery plan)
  • The three ways to use cloud storage to make sure your data is protected – even if you get hacked or lose your computer.
  • What details should you provide to a trusted person so that your business keep running without you.
  • With leveraged or passive income, your business can keep making money even if the business owner can’t work.
  • Live in an area that loses power or WIFI regularly? Be sure to catch the easy fix so you stay up and running!


Mentioned In this Episode:

Nov 26, 2018

Got a big project to complete but can’t get started? You might be stuck in analysis paralysis trying to figure it all out before you act. If you are starting a new business or launching a new offering, you may find yourself trying to get all the details perfect before you go live.

Progress is way better than perfection – and that’s where the 80% plan comes in handy. On episode 102 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll explain how to get into action and accomplish bigger goals just like the pros.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your lessons too.


Key Takeaways

  1. What the 80% plan is and why perfection seekers and procrastinators must use it to get better results.
  2. Three things to get clear on in the 80% (and what you really have to figure out as you go.)
  3. Why waiting until it is all figured out is actually an inspiration killer for most entrepreneurs
  4. The reality of launches, startups and big goals that makes the 80% plan essential

Mentioned In this Episode:

Nov 19, 2018

What you think and talk about dictates how far you can grow. Think of it like this, “ your attitude dictates how HIGH your success can travel, like a balloon. Positivity is light, negativy is an anchor.

If you think small, you’ll achieve small.

If you see problems with a “why is this happning to me” attitude, you’ll feel constricted. You’ll feel like a victim. Its hard to want to grow and expand when weighed down by problems. But If you see opportunities, you’ll feel resourceful and inspired to pursue them.

If you see limits, you’ll stop. If yo use limitlessness, you’ll keep moving.

If you see failure, you’ll want to stop making mistakes. If you see learning, you’ll keep growing.

Having a positive, “can do” attitude will take you much farther than capability alone

To celebrate the 100th episode of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll share seven lessons I learned, many of which were from epic failures and embarrassing mistakes, that have helped my become more successful as a business coach and entrepreneur.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your lessons too.

Key Takeaways

  1. Light your fire
  2. Be in Gratitude
  3. Look for what’s possible (instead of all the reasons something won’t work)
  4. Stretch yourself daily (college example) – growth mindset, always keep improving
  5. Morning power routine
  6. Spend time with others who have a positive, I can do anything attitude



[Why Your Attitude Dictates Your Success Altitude on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 101 with @melcoach]


Mentioned In this Episode:


Nov 12, 2018

One of my favorite books was Oprah’s What I Know For Sure. As she shared mistakes, learnings and pivotal moments from her journey to success, I found myself deeply moved.

To celebrate the 100th episode of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’ll share seven lessons I learned, many of which were from epic failures and embarrassing mistakes, that have helped my become more successful as a business coach and entrepreneur.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your lessons too.


Key Takeaways

  • The philosophy that keeps overwhelm at bay and profits high.
  • Why diversification of revenue is very misunderstood – and often is the reason a business owner has low profits and massive stress.
  • What Role Switching is, and how it lowers your productivity and creativity.
  • How the seven-figure mindset is different than the six-figure mindset.
  • The difference between fear and your gut instincts telling you to not do something.
  • Three self-care steps everyone in business for themselves will benefit from doing daily.
  • The only opinion about your offerings that matters is your ideal client.


Mentioned In this Episode:


Nov 5, 2018

Do you do all the right things but still can’t build your email list? Tired of hosting webinars and being a guest on podcasts only to get one or two measly sign ups? Entrepreneurs often make some pretty common visibility mistakes that end up short-circuiting their sales.

My guest on episode 99 of Amplify Your Success Podcast is Cindy J Holbrook, The Visibility Wiz, and her claim to fame is helping online business owner’s “pivot” their visibility strategies so they attract more of their ideal clients – and ultimately close more sales.


Key Takeaways

  • What most people think business visibility is - what why you must know what it really is if you want to attract more clients.
  • The mindset shift Cindy J made that helped her increase revenue and become successful in her own business.
  • Cindy J believes there are no fatal visibility mistakes and shares how she recovered from an epic HuffPost interview mis-hap.
  • Why having a website with 30,000 visitors a month isn’t enough to generate sales.
  • How Cindy J transitioned from being an influential dating coach to a visibility expert for entrepreneurs.


About the Guest:

Cindy J Holbrook, aka The Visibility wiz, is uniquely gifted at guiding entrepreneurs to thrive as they go up the ladder from being the best-kept secret to trusted and in-demand online authority. She has been featured on Huffington Post Live, Women’s Speaker Association TV, eHarmony, Prevention Magazine, AOL, MSN, Fox and a guest on numerous online summits. Her mission is to guide entrepreneurs to have the confidence and the know-how so that they can succeed.

[The Top Online Visibility Mistakes that are Costing You Time, Energy and Money with Cindy J Holbrook on Amplify Your Success #Podcast]


Connect with Cindy J



Mentioned In this Episode:

Oct 19, 2018

Ready to leverage LinkedIn to build up your influence and create a flood of new leads? Confused about which social media platform to spend your time on? Recently LinkedIn has made some major changes to their platform, so you’ll want to listen in to Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 98 before you move forward.

My guest, Chrissie Wywrot, is a LinkedIn specialist and uses it to help her clients expand their reach with her unique connection funnels. 

Key Takeaways

  • What the recent platform changes are that have taken place on the LinkedIn (and how this is good news for LinkedIn users!)
  • The single most effective way to get your content seen on LinkedIn right now.
  • Should you be using LinkedIn Pulse for posting your articles? Chrissie explains how it works, and whether you should really bother with it.
  • A super common, massive mistake that people make on their LinkedIn profiles
  • How hashtags work on LinkedIn (and why you should be using them on every post.)
  • What a funnel is and how a simple set of activities can help you move a connection to a potential client.

About the Guest

Chrissie Wywrot is a marketing consultant specializing in LinkedIn. With 4 years’ digital marketing and public relations experience with the Detroit Lions, she’s uniquely gifted at helping businesses expand their visibility and reach. Today she works primarily with service-based business owners to set up a LinkedIn funnel system to generate leads and improve their bottom line.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Oct 19, 2018

What’s the best way to build influence while connecting with ideal clients?

Host your own podcast. Podcasting is growing in popularity and technology makes listening to podcasts so much easier. Your ideal clients could be building rapport with you while they carpool the kids across town or hit the gym.

My guest on episode 97 of Amplify Your Success Podcast is Annemarie Cross, dubbed the Podcasting Queen, who has valuable behind-the-scenes advice for any entrepreneur or business leader before they kick off a new podcast!

Key Takeaways

  • What’s exciting in the space of podcasting that could impact a small business owner’s ability to reach more clients.
  • The importance of #MessageBeforeMicrophone to an aspiring podcaster or online marketer before they launch their new authority platform.
  • How to launch a viable podcast when you don’t have time (or money) to produce a daily or weekly show.
  • The best way to monetize and generate income from your podcast.

About the Guest

Annemarie Cross is the Founder of Podcasting With Purpose Podcast Training and Production agency and an Award-winning Podcast Host and Producer. Annemarie was dubbed by her community ‘The Podcasting Queen’ after having produced numerous podcasts since 2008.

She helps ambitious Change Makers go From Invisible to Influential with her Done-With-You Podcast Platform and/or Done-For You Podcast Series.

You step up to the microphone to record your podcast and they do the rest, without you ever having to worry about learning technology, audio post-production or even promotion. They do it all leaving you to focus on what you do best!

Mentioned In this Episode:

Oct 15, 2018

If you’ve ever felt uninspired, stuck or procrastinate doing a task that you know you should do to grow your business – but don’t – then listen in as I share five bold moves that accelerate business impact.

On episode 96 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, discover why a bold move can unlock your motivation and courage to tackle your biggest goals. There are five areas that entrepreneurs typically get stuck or let fear hold them back from doing the very things that would have the greatest effect on their bottom line.

I’ve coached many small business owners through how to get in the right mindset to do the things that scare them – and episode 96 will get you psyched up too!

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community about what works for you!

Key Takeaways

  • How what you fear or resist is the clue to the bold move your business needs.
  • Why having a scary big goal that you’ve never done before is perfect for your own personal development.
  • The single hardest thing for most entrepreneurs to ask for help with
  • The bold move that can lead to more fast money in your small business
  • How a rising tide and investing in your future success could be your best bold move ever 

Mentioned In this Episode:

Oct 8, 2018

Have you ever had an ideal prospect choose your competitor over you – and you were stumped how why they didn’t see you were the better option? If you’ve ever felt invisible, passed over for opportunities or simply are tired of chasing the sale, then be sure to listen in to episode 95 of Amplify Your Success Podcast.

Authority Platforms are marketing strategies that actually elevate your influence in your marketplace because you stand out as a more credible leader. The magic of this type of visibility is you attract more of your ideal clients simply because they see your message and want more of your offerings. In this episode I’ll share my three favorite authority platforms and why an entrepreneur would choose one (or all three) to elevate their influence.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community about what works for you!

Key Takeaways

  • What an authority platform is and why it works so well to attract ideal clients
  • How using your best authority platform will “flip” the sales game so you can stop chasing prospects
  • The reason why having an online show is a goldmine for visibility
  • My secret formula to cross-purposing a show across multiple channels to dominate your industry
  • Three simple ways to get the benefits of a published author (and two of them can be done in under 30 days!)

Mentioned In this Episode:

Sep 28, 2018

Do you ask for help or try to figure things out on your own? Sometimes business leaders don’t get the help they need to get more done just because they think it makes them too vulnerable. But, what if being vulnerable is actually your greatest superpower as a leader?

In episode 94 of Amplify Your Success Podcast I’m talking about vulnerability and why we need more entrepreneurs and business experts embracing their imperfections.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community about what works for you!

Key Takeaways

  • Why vulnerability is attractive and a powerful relationship bonding tool
  • Five ways you can drop in and get “real” with your team, community and friends
  • My first experience of a business leader being vulnerable and what it taught me about the leader I wanted to be
  • What the fine line between vulnerable and “messy” is for coaches and leaders
  • Brene Brown’s belief that vulnerability is a sign of strength (be sure to check out her books!)

Mentioned In this Episode:

Sep 24, 2018

Have you ever had a goal that you talked about, dreamed about, but just could never get out of the starting gate? Or maybe you started towards that goal but then things got a bit challenging, and the goal just kind of fell away?

There’s a significant difference between being committed to a goal or just being interested in it. Interested means you’ll do JUST ENOUGH not to fail but never enough to actually succeed.

In episode 93 of Amplify Your Success Podcast I’m going through the five signs you are really committed to a bold vision (or just interested!) Knowing the difference could end up saving you a TON of disappointment and keep you from wasting time and money on a bright, shiny idea!

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community about what works for you!

Key Takeaways

  • Why your self-talk is a huge sign of your commitment level.
  • How excuses and “never having enough time” factor into someone’s commitment level.
  • The role your comfort zone plays in your ability to achieve goals you’ve never done before.
  • Can being proactive be a sign you are going to achieve a goal? Yep. I’ll tell you how proactive vs. reactive is so vital to success.
  • What you should do if you are a “how” person (meaning you need to know how before you jump in.)
  • Why if you have a bold goal, you MUST pursue it

Mentioned In this Episode:

Sep 19, 2018

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a steady stream of new clients flowing into your business each month? Well, it’s the opposite for most service professionals who have to work really hard to get a few key clients.

My guest on episode 91 of Amplify Your Success Podcast shares how to use the “Eavesdrop Effect” to engage your best potential clients – ultimately tripling your sales of perfect fit clients. This episode is full of actionable advice for anyone who struggles with consistent lead generation, or would like more of their ideal clients who are willing to pay your best rates!

Key Takeaways

  • What the "Eavesdrop Effect” is and how it’s a key ingredient for creating a consistent flow of leads into your business.
  • The three questions every prospect is unconsciously asking themselves (so when you answer them right, they are more likely to buy from you!)
  • An often-misunderstood approach to building trust and rapport (Dov shares why getting this right is so important!)
  • A surprising piece of advice that even I’d never heard before (think, when its appropriate to recommend your competition.)
  • Plus Dov gives an actionable tip any coach, entrepreneur or small business owner can use right away to start connecting with more ideal clients.

About the Guest

Dov Gordon helps consultant/coaches get ideal clients. Consistently.

There are millions and millions of consultant, coaches and professional service firm owners who are really good at what they do. But they're not charismatic guru types. And they never want to be.

They LOVE their work. And all they want is a consistent flow of great clients. Clients who value their expertise, AND who value who they are as people. And pay them well for it.

Dov and his small team take a tactic-agnostic approach. They help you build a strong strategic foundation and to apply to it to build a simple, client-getting system that is best for YOU.

Connect with Dov Gordon




Mentioned In this Episode:

Sep 17, 2018

As a visionary, thought leader or transformational change agent, intimacy with our own dream is essential to keep that fire burning and the desire necessary to keep pursuing our goals.

But way too often entrepreneurs and business leaders find themselves chasing someone else’s dream, and the motivation to climb the next “success” mountain is lost.

My guest on episode 92 of Amplify Your Success Podcast is Allana Pratt and she joins me for a powerful exploration on a subject not talked about enough – intimacy with our own voice!

Key Takeaways

  • Allana transparently reveals her own story of how she lost and recovered her intimate connection with herself – and how her business suffered then flourished during that time.
  • How to cultivate an intimate relationship with our own dream and voice to become a stronger champion for change and transformation.
  • What kind of inner game intimacy practice you can use (and its really quite simple) so as to congruently, consistently and courageously live our visionary businesses
  • How intimacy and creativity our wound together and one without the other can mean a loss of motivation!

About the Guest

Relationship Intimacy Expert, Allana Pratt inspires open-hearted living so that you live your purpose unapologetically. Allana says Intimacy = In To Me I See… when we look inside, what is our relationship with our Self? with Money? With our Business? Our Dreams?

A featured weekly contributor on the GoodMenProject, expert on CBS, TLC, FOX, Forbes, People Magazine and Huffington Post, this cum laude graduate of Columbia University is the Author of 4 books that remove sabotaging blocks so you can be your best self personally and professionally. 

Allana hosts the sexy empowering Podcast “Intimate Conversations” to guests like Grammy Award-winning Alanis Morissette. Leeza Gibbons asked Allana to coach her during Dancing with the Stars and now over 2.8 million viewers on Youtube look to Allana when struggling to trust themselves so they can create healthy thriving intimate relationships and professional success.

Connect with Allana Pratt


Mentioned In this Episode:


Sep 3, 2018

Every small business owner has prospects ready to make the decision to hire you or purchase your products but way too often they get confused, and avoid making a purchase. The solution? Create a decision journey to help them make the best decision for them!

On episode 90 of Amplify Your Success Podcast I’m joined by The Hero Method founder Kathryn Gillett to share what a decision journey is and how creating one for your sales and marketing processes can help you close sales faster.

Key Takeaways

  • How Kathryn uncovered The Hero Method through her training in psychology and anthropology
  • How to use a The Decision Journey to double your revenue and increase your ideal client enrollments
  • The difference between the good ol' Sales Funnel and The Decision Journey (and why the decision journey works faster!)
  • Plus I get Kathryn to give us some practical advice on the top three entrepreneur “sales stuck points”


About the Guest:

Kathryn Gillett is the creator of The HERO Method, and author of two best-selling books on the subject. She has degrees in psychology and anthropology, 30 years' experience in marketing, and 25 years researching related fields. It was based on those years of research and experience that she created The HERO Method, a true paradigm shift that turns 180-degrees away from what we consider "best practices" in marketing communications today.

And in doing so, The HERO Method has proven to double response, revenue, and year-over-year growth (that's measurable results — not just 'ball-park hype').

Rather than creating content that shouts out how great a company’s solution is…
The HERO Method is about creating authentic, human connections with audiences.
Kathryn has brought The HERO Method to global corporations like Microsoft, Amazon, and Dell to great effect.

And now she's bringing The HERO Method to the small businesses world with on-line training programs that teach entrepreneurs all the inside secrets of this shift in marketing.

Mentioned In this Episode:

Aug 27, 2018

As a coach to entrepreneurs and other transformational business leaders, I am often asked to share my tips for managing time better. The question, “How does a busy person really get it all done, without feeling so overwhelmed” is a common challenge in the small business community.

So, in episode 89 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, discover the three time-management questions most asked by my coaching clients --- and my $18k worthy coaching advice!

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community about what works for you!

Key Takeaways

  • When you don’t have enough time, why its important to dig deep and evaluate your real priorities.
  • How to use “time blocking” to stay in flow, build productive momentum and get more done.
  • What horse-trainers can teach us about stress, focus and the ability to use our minds more effectively.
  • My favorite “task management” resources for tracking tasks, project plans and staying focused on the right activities.
  • Why overwhelm starts in your mindset and thought patterns (and how liquify time actually helps you achieve more of your to-do list.)
  • What an “adrenaline-junky” is and how this unhealthy pattern creates unnecessary stress on you, your team and keeps you feeling like you are falling behind

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Aug 20, 2018

Storytelling can bring your brand to life – and create deep trust and rapport with potential clients. There is an art to uncovering your compelling business story and this week’s guest, Park Howell, has mastered this art on episode 88 of Amplify Your Success Podcast.

From rebounding out of the flailing advertising marketplace to launching a successful branding company and landing a coveted TedX talk, Park shows us how to craft a powerful story that will accelerate new business.

Key Takeaways

  • How Park rebounded from an industry that was falling apart.
  • Why "Storytelling" in your brand story can set you apart from the competition.
  • Park walks Melanie through a cool process to pull out our Brand Story
  • The steps to uncovering a clear, compelling story that actually will simplify your life (and your marketing efforts!)
  • How to spot – and overcome – the most common challenges to uncovering YOUR brand story.

About the Guest

Park Howell has been in the advertising and branding world for 35 years, but in 2006 it all stopped working. Technology had leveled the playing field. Brands used to own the influence of mass media, but the masses had become the media and they own your brand story.

So park pivoted away from 20 years of running his own ad agency to focus on the answer of how to rise above the noise of the Attention Deficit Disorder economy and actually be heard and understood. His antidote is an anecdote.

Now, Park consults, teaches, coaches and speaks around the world helping leaders of purpose-driven brands clarify their stories to amplify their impact and simplify their lives.


Connect with Park Howell:





Mentioned In this Episode:

Aug 13, 2018

There’s a subtle art to building up solid business connections who are eager to refer business and partner up on projects with you. In my experience, just one great connection can add six to seven figures in new business to your bottom line. But truly, developing these kinds of connections are not just luck. There is a process to follow and my guest John Corcoran on episode 87 of Amplify Your Success Podcast has certainly mastered it.

John’s become one of those “go-to” guys who eagerly refers you that perfect lead or follows up just to invite you to a coveted business event. Be sure to listen in as this episode is full of golden nuggets sure to inspire you – and amplify your business.

Key Takeaways

  • A true renaissance man, John shares how his eclectic background positioned him perfect to be a connector.
  • How John and his partner leverage big name marketing events to build their own business – while adding massive value to the event.
  • Three simple things any small business owner or entrepreneur could do now to start cultivating really valuable new business relationships.
  • The best way to follow up with people you want in your influence circle without being spammy or over-bearing.

About the Guest:

John Corcoran is an attorney, writer, and a father, and a former Clinton White House Writer and Speechwriter to the Governor of California. Throughout his career, he has worked in Hollywood, the heart of Silicon Valley, and owned his own boutique law firm in the San Francisco Bay Area working with small business owners and entrepreneurs.

He is the creator of Smart Business Revolution and the Smart Business Revolution podcast. He’s the cofounder with Dr. Jeremy Weisz, of Rise25, LLC, an education and training company which holds in-person and virtual trainings for ecommerce entrepreneurs and professional services business owners.

His writing has appeared in Forbes,, Huffington Post, Art of Manliness, Lifehacker, Business Insider, Get Rich Slowly and numerous other publications, blogs and websites.

Connect with John Corcoran




Smart Business Revolution 


Mentioned In this Episode:

Aug 6, 2018

What if you knew that your everyday routines carried the clues to unlocking a million dollar opportunity? That’s what Tom Nardone discovered. For many years Tom was a mailman with a dream to break free from the grind of his job. By following his passion and taking inspired actions, Tom leveraged the knowledge he gained on his daily route to build a million dollar house flipping business.

Whether you are interested in real estate wealth, or are always looking for inspirational stories to activate your own million dollar ideas, this is an episode not to miss!  Join me on episode 86 of Amplify Your Success Podcast as real estate millionaire Tom Nardone shares his story of “blue collar postman” to real estate success.

Key Takeaways

  • What gave Tom the courage to break out of a steady government job and pursue his freedom based business.
  • The most important habit that he discovered ALL entrepreneurs need to have to be successful in business.
  • Tom shares his BIG OBSTACLE and how upgrading his mindset unlocked the money flowing into his business.
  • Tom and I talk about an “old school” marketing technique that is now a crucial part of any small business marketing plan.
    How did you develop the habits that Entrepreneurs need to have in the biz world?
  • The two-phase growth strategy Tom used to build leveraged income and develop true financial freedom.

About the Guest:

Tom Nardone started working for the Post Office as a mailman back in the 80’s. It didn’t take him long to realize that the security entrapment of a "good job" is not a lot different from a 30 year jail sentence. “You feel trapped, and your income is limited.”

Tom started buying houses on his mail routes and after 25 years of buying and holding and buying and selling, Tom has bought and sold over 250 properties.

Tom co-authored the book Secrets of the Real Estate Millionaires and has created and written courses for several real estate information products. Tom has been twice featured on television with two appearances on Good Morning America with Charles Gibson and Joan London and also CNBC’s Power Lunch with Bill Griffith, with radio appearances on The Cash Flow Show and Real Estate related Podcasts.

Connect with Tom Nardone





Mentioned In this Episode:

  • Get Tom’s book "How to Make $10,000 in 90 days Flipping Your First House” by texting the word "mailman" to 31996
  • Join in Amplify Your Success Community for Amplify LIVE on Thursdays
Jul 30, 2018

Entrepreneurs are famous for having lots of ideas, and being really overwhelmed with running their small business. Sometimes the best way to increase revenues and reach is to simplify your business offerings and operations.

In episode 85 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, discover the hidden costs of a complicated business along with 3 simple questions to ask yourself to get better results fast. Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community the benefits of a simplified business!

Key Takeaways

  • The missing ingredient in having multiple businesses that are profitable
  • Why “multiple streams of income” can be an illusion (and keep you broke and overwhelmed in the process!)
  • Two case studies of “simplify to multiply” business transformations
  • Three questions to ask if you suspect your business has become complicated (and its losing money and you are way too stressed out!)

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.


Jul 23, 2018

When sales are down and you still have not reached your revenue goals, it's tempting to feel down. But this is the time to dig deep and do the inner work so that sales kick in again.

This might surprise you but for entrepreneurs, your income will rarely exceed your personal development. Doing more of what doesn’t work just makes you feel overwhelmed!

In episode 84 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, learn the 4 most important mindset shifts that can turn on the flow of money and kick that struggle habit to the curb. Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community about the mindset of high-earners!

Key Takeaways

  • Signs you are addicted to struggle due to a scarcity mindset.
  • How mindset is a key component to transforming your business AND money situation.
  • The one thing you can do immediately to accelerate meaningful results.
  • What it really means when you worry, blame others for your failures or criticizing other people’s success.
  • The seductive side of struggle and why it can turn you into an adrenaline junky needing your next fix!

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

Jul 16, 2018

Every entrepreneur will be tempted at times to lower their prices, especially when sales have slowed and your current clients are balking at what you charge. But charging too little can have a disastrous impact on your business profits – can overtime can destroy your success.

In episode 83 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, discover the signs you are charging too little for your services and products as well as two case studies on how a simple shift in pricing created a three times increase in monthly revenues. Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community about pricing too!

Key Takeaways

  • The reason why it’s a good sign that your prospects challenge your pricing.
  • A major benefit of working with less clients who are willing to pay you more
  • 5 signs that you are charging less than you should (and how it’s costing you in your business.)
  • How to not make a common rookie mistake in pricing (hint: it has to do with not feeling confident with you offering yet!)

Mentioned In this Episode:

Check out Melanie Recommends for must-have business growth resources.

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