
Amplify Your Success

Amplify Your Success is the only podcast for coaches, consultants, course creators and experts that integrates practical and proven business strategy along with mindset, motivation and energetic tools to amplify impact, income and influence. If you are looking to shatter your earning limits while making a massive impact with your business superpowers, tune in to hear 22 year business veteran Melanie Benson host power-packed conversations with other business industry leaders. Discover more tools and resources at
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Now displaying: 2019
Jul 3, 2019

Finding words to explain what you do so naturally can feel really complicated! I’ve noticed it’s a common challenge area for coaches, healers and service-based entrepreneurs to communicate what they do in a way that…


… Helps the people understand what they do

… In a compelling and succinct way

… So that the right prospects know you solve their problem!!


After mentoring and coaching expert-preneurs for almost 20 years, I can quickly spot an “over-thinker” who is struggling to share their value proposition when they get asked, “So what do you do?” or have a chance to pitch their business to a room full of people.

On episode 133 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, listen in to an On Air Coaching session with Melinda Broadstone who helps entrepreneurs uncover their unique energy style. When I met her, I knew she was powerful but she just couldn’t find the right words to explain her genius quickly. If you struggle with messaging, you’ll love eavesdropping in to this session.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • An important question to ask yourself to help you uncover the best words that describe you and your business solutions.
  • What to do when you have competing advice about your messaging from different coaches and mentors.


About The Guest 

Melinda Broadstone has a passion for helping people out of pain towards thriving and success, even when the possibilities seemed out of reach. With over 30 years of expansive study and application of body-mind-spirit dynamics in human potential, performance, health and well-being, she’s worked with a range of people from premature babies and children with disabilities, to parents and the aged to high level Military Personnel, Spiritual Leaders and CEO’s. With eyes turned toward the world landscape I have a keen interest in propelling talented entrepreneurs towards having a profound impact in their business and their clients lives while making the money that allows them to enjoy life. 

Connect with. Melinda here

Jun 24, 2019

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you just followed other people’s promotional plans for your business?

Well I can tell you that once in a while you’ll score. But more often they fail.

Why? Because when you just emulate what someone else does without customizing the strategy to your unique energy and offerings, it won’t have the same magnetic pull! Doing a launch to drive traffic to your offer can catapult your results – if you take the time to “reverse engineer” the steps to fit your genius and how your customers buy.

On episode 132 of Amplify Your Success podcast, I’ll take you behind the scenes of a few epic fails that I’ve had around launches as well as what’s worked best over the last couple of years so you can avoid that “epic fail” in your business.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • Why doing what others are doing to promote their offers can be a recipe for failure.
  • The three important factors to incorporate to avoid launch exhaustion, fatigue and burn out “post promotion.”
  • What happened when I had a few repeated failures that caused me to shut everything down and start over!
  • My #1 most favorite way to overcome list fatigue and tap into a new source of leads for a promotion or launch.



TWEET THIS PLUGIN:  [Epic Fails and Launches To Love on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 132 with @melcoach]

Mentioned In this Episode:


Jun 17, 2019

Have you ever experienced a bunch of sales calls where NO ONE was ready to buy? Maybe you worked really hard on launching a podcast or creating a webinar and it completely TANKED! Or showed up to speak at an event only to discover that no one “got it” and you felt like you missed the mark.

I’ve found that there are four types of prospects that will be attracted to your work. Three of them will even book an exploration call with you. But only ONE type will be ready to buy.

On episode 131 of Amplify Your Success podcast, let me explain who these four types of prospects are, and how to handle each type so they don’t waste your time and money as they “looky-loo.”

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • Why it’s essential that you know who your ideal client is so that you don’t waste time and money marketing to the wrong people who will NEVER buy from you.
  • The trick to increasing your sales conversion by knowing these 4 types of prospect styles
  • What the most difficult type of prospect means about your current marketing strategy.
  • How to nurture Prospect Type 3 into a “ready to buy” prospect.
  • The little known secret about Prospect Type 1 (and why knowing this will revolutionize your marketing and sales systems.)

Mentioned In this Episode:

Jun 10, 2019

You’ve probably heard of Instagram – but are you using all of their new features to drive new fans, listeners and buyers to your authority platform?

Between the new IGTV, and the Snapchat replacement, Stories, Instagram has a wealth of great tools to help you spread your message and build a strong following. But most people are still pretty confused about how to benefit from Instagram.

My guest on episode 130 of Amplify Your Success is Adam Schaeuble, knows as a PhD (previously heavy dude), whose popular podcast The Million Pound Mission has been wildly successful due to the Instagram Ninja moves Adam discovered.

He’s joining me to show you how to gain serious traction with stories and IGTV.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • Why Instagram can become your best marketing platform for launching new offerings and driving more views to your offer.
  • What the difference between Instagram Story and IGTV is (and how you use both.)
  • A total ninja traffic generating, Instagram follower boosting move using Instagram Stories.
  • Three of the biggest mistakes that podcasters are making on Instagram.
  • A simple technique that will help you sell to your audience on Instagram.



Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

The FREE Instagram Audit and Basics mini-course at

Want the full IG for Podcasters Course? Use code MELANIE for 50% off.

Take the FREE Own Your Bold Training


About The Guest

Adam Schaeuble, aka The PHD (previously heavy dude), is the host of the top ranked fitness podcast The Million Pound Mission and the new Casting the Pod for podcasters. He reached a point in his life where he weighed 327lbs and was already having weight related health issues in his late twenties. He decided to overhaul his lifestyle and his fitness and ended up losing over 100lbs.

Feeling inspired, he took what he learned from his own transformation journey and created a bootcamp program that produced over 35,000 lbs of results in his home town of Bloomington, IN.

Now Adam has set his sights on inspiring over one million pounds of healthy results through his podcast, coaching programs, and the Million Pound Mission Bootcamp as well as conquering Instagram with his new Instagram of Podcasters program.

Jun 3, 2019

When you have too many really ideas, it’s tempting to try to tackle them all. But that’s often a recipe for overwhelm and diminished profits.

Choosing which ideas to pursue can be tricky – your heart says YES, your logical mind says NO, and now you don’t know what to do, right?

So what do you do to pick the best ideas that will grow your business?

My guest on episode 129 of Amplify Your Success is Jennifer Lyall, an intuitive Business coach and Energy Optimizer, who shows entrepreneurs how to use their internal energy to pick their best ideas. Beyond intuitive hits, she shows us how to rejuvenate our most valuable asset to make aligned growth decisions that “stick” and propel success forward for decades!

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  1. What entrepreneurs can do with the endless inspirations and ideas that come to them so that they don’t chase bright shiny objects!
  2. The best way to prioritize all the ideas circling in your mind so you are focused on your best ideas first.
  3. What to do when you think you are on a focused path but then get a NEW idea that seems even better!
  4. How to navigate that sinking feeling when someone moves your same idea to market before you.
  5. What dowsers are and how it can be your best decision making tool.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Get Jennifer’s Free Resource: 7 Day Energy Transformation to boost your happiness and productivity

Take the FREE Own Your Bold Training


About The Guest

Jennifer Lyall is an Intuitive Business Mentor and Chief Energy Optimizer.

As a sought-after spiritual development expert she helps you to expand your personal awareness and take responsibility for your energy and how you’re showing up in life. This expanded inner awareness helps you to confidently make decisions, be happier and more present in your relationships, work in a proactive manner rather than reactive mode and enjoy a career that builds you up and energizes you!
Jennifer is passionate about sharing everyday easy to implement “energy boosters” to bring more calm, mindfulness and joy into your life.

Jennifer is a member of the Canadian Society of Dowsers, an international best-selling author and inspirational speaker. Jennifer loves going on adventures with her kids, hiking with her husband, walking barefoot in the grass and having delicious conversations with high vibing friends. All fun parts of her spiritual practice!

May 27, 2019

Wouldn’t it be amazing if your clients became your most valuable salesforce? Think about it.

They use your services, buy your products, come to your events – and then they are out there RAVING about your business to their friends. Now, those friends become your clients too. That’s the power of creating celebrity customer experiences. A happy customer will drive more leads and sales than you ever could with the best marketing efforts.

But many entrepreneurs are making client care their lowest priority and their sales – and profits – are suffering because of it. My guest this week, Jill Raff, grew up in one of the best models for customer happiness as her parents owned McDonald’s franchise #150. She joins me on episode 128 of Amplify Your Success to reveal how she’s helped several famous businesses tap into the Celebrity Customer Experience.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • What Ray Krock’s customer service philosophy is and how it shaped Jill’s love of creating excellent customer experiences.
  • The difference between a Transaction v. Interaction when it comes to making your clients rave about your business.
  • The three most common mistakes entrepreneurs keep making with customer experience (and how it costs them profits and client referrals!)
  • What it really means to ‘put people first’ for the customer experience impact.



Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Get Jill’s Free Resource: Intentional Client Satisfaction Checklist

Take the FREE Own Your Bold Training


About The Guest

With over 30 years of customer experience, Jill Raff grew up working with her parents, owner/operators of McDonalds #150. She truly learned how to apply Ray Kroc’s customer service philosophy that permeates their almost 38,000 stores. Jill followed her dream to be a Fashion Designer taking her to work in New York, Italy and Hong Kong.

She's fluent in 5 languages, trained as a Chef at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, France, became a top Food Stylist, and within the food industry, worked with brands like Harrods, Michelin Starred Ristorante Guido, Godiva, Food and Wine Magazine, The Oprah Magazine, Good Morning America, and The Today Show. Jill’s closed over $22 Million in real estate sales, licensed in New York and Texas. Jill uses her entire background now as a high-level consultant for companies who want to create a 5-star customer experience.

May 20, 2019

After pitching ABC’s The Shark Tank and pivoting her first business, Michelle Weinstein had a MAJOR opportunity that forever shifted the trajectory of her success.

Instead of chasing a dead end, Michelle took a failed business and transformed it into a successful sales consulting company that thrived in its first year of business.

The main ingredient to Michelle’s success? She learned to love selling. Michelle joins me in this massively inspiring episode to share her secret to conquering the fear of sales.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • What happened to Michelle when she pitched to the Shark Tank that transformed her mindset around success.
  • How to transcend the #1 fear most entrepreneurs have around selling.
  • What the 5 steps of a powerful sales conversation are
  • The most important rule of enrolling (especially if you tend to over-deliver, talk too much or lose the sale.)
  • What the failure of Michelle’s first business taught her about resilience and success that fuel her today.
  • The exact steps to take if your potential client puts the brakes on and says NO to working with you.



Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Get Michelle’s FREE Resource: Sell without Sleeze

Take the FREE Own Your Bold Training

About The Guest

Michelle Weinstein is a Sales Strategist, Entrepreneur, and Innovator. She has over 20 years of sales experience, selling everything from multi-million dollar homes to Paleo meatballs. Her achievements include raising over $1M dollars for her last company, landing contracts with major retailers such as Costco and The Vitamin Shoppe, and pitching her way onto ABC’s Shark Tank.

She is now the founder of The Pitch Queen & is the Host, Success Unfiltered & The Abundant Accountant Podcast, where she helps small business owners and entrepreneurs learn to LOVE selling, make a bigger impact in the world, and skyrocket their top-line revenue.

May 13, 2019

As an entrepreneur, do you ever find yourself in a group situation where you feel confronted or disconnected because you don’t feel like you are good enough?

If you find yourself trying to fit into a group, chances are you will feel frustrated because you aren’t designed to fit in. You are designed to stand out – and it’s time to embrace your uniqueness!

In episode 126 of Amplify Your Success podcast discover why chasing the feeling of fitting in is an old wound that can’t serve you where you are going next in your success.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • The 4 types of people who most commonly feel like an outcast in groups.
  • The difference between fitting in and belonging (and why this is a crucial distinction for leaders.)
  • How to break free of the crippling limiting beliefs when you feel triggered in a group
  • Why its valuable to not fit in if you are a creative, innovator or business leader


TWEET THIS PLUGIN:  [When You Feel like You Don’t Fit In on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 126 with @melcoach]

Mentioned In this Episode:


May 6, 2019

Could you use an extra thousand dollars each month? Of course you would! But you don’t want to have to work really hard for this extra income, so why not share some of your favorite products and programs with your community – and get paid for each sale?

Affiliate promotions and joint venture marketing are very common ways to increase sales of a product. Pretty much every tool you use to run your online business offers referral commissions!

In episode 125 of Amplify Your Success podcast, I want to inspire you to start promoting other people’s products so you can increase your passive income streams while helping people solve their most pressing problems – with very little effort on your behalf.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • How you can increase your business revenues by promoting other people’s product launches
  • How to use affiliate tracking links for every product and program you love to refer, generate bonus income AND help your community learn to buy from you!
  • Five ways to easily share your favorite resources and get paid for it.
  • What to do to track referrals and sales commission.
  • Why livestreaming and podcast interviews are such great tools for promoting other people’s offerings.


Mentioned In this Episode:

Apr 29, 2019

Abundance thinking is a powerful business growth strategy, but if you get stuck in scarcity thinking it’s easy to feel trapped and overwhelmed.

There are nine common areas that business owners get trapped in scarcity mindset – and end up throttling their most important growth steps. In episode 124 of Amplify Your Success podcast, I’ll unpack each of these nine mindsets so you can discover how an Abundant Mindset would set you free – and help you tap into a more resourceful, expansive approach to leading your business.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.

“Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming.” -  Richard Branson


Key Takeaways

  • Why abundance thinking can radically shift your business success
  • I discuss nine important areas of business and how to recognize scarcity versus abundant thinking such as spending money, holding on to challenging clients or team members, competition and more!
  • How to shift out of limitation and fear when growing your small business


Mentioned In this Episode:

Apr 22, 2019

The fear of making a mistake often stalls even the most capable entrepreneur in making progress.

Whether it’s the fear of putting all your chips in to a mentor where you don’t get the results, or writing a book that gets criticize, or launching a new offering where no one buys.

Perfectionism kills progress. The fear of not getting it right is just like putting the brakes on your momentum!

If you study successful business owners and people who achieve massive results you’ll discover they are less likely to be perfectionists. After all, think about all of the quick, important decisions successful people need to make every day. They can’t be plagued with the fear that every decision is a possible mistake.

In episode 123 of Amplify Your Success podcast, discover how valuable imperfection really is to becoming MORE successful, admired and trusted. Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.

“People who are walking around as perfectionists are ultimately afraid that the world is going to see them for who they really are and [that] they won't measure up.” – Brene Brown


Key Takeaways

· How a client’s praise of my own epic failures and routine mistakes became the inspiration for this episode (thanks Deb!)

· What perfectionism REALLY is and how to use it as a tool for your own growth

· Five questions to ask yourself when you are freaking out about a mistake and experiencing fear of being judged, ridiculed or shamed.

· How perfectionism and judgement can make you a challenging leader or business owner to work for

· The impact of radical self-acceptance in your ability to lead, inspire and impact the lives of others!

· Why perfectionism keeps you stuck, busy and trapped on the WRONG details


Mentioned In this Episode:

Apr 15, 2019

You’ve probably had a sales conversation with someone that left you feeling a bit confused. You spent some time evaluating their needs, felt that surge of excitement realizing you could really help them, and you sense you are really hitting it off. Then, as you ask for the sale, you get the dreaded “I need to think about it.”

You’ve hit buyer resistance. What you do in this moment can make a significant impact over the buyer’s decision process. Far too often the seller lets THEIR limiting beliefs and fears kick in and they back down and don’t hold space for the buyer to step into THEIR power.

In episode 122 of Amplify Your Success podcast, I’d like to help you feel more shift out of confusion and into being a powerful resource to help your prospects decide (and hopefully that means a yes to working with you.)

Inside this episode I’ll unpack five elements to overcome indecision or buying resistance for coaches, consultants, service professionals and online business owners.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


TWEET THIS PLUGIN [“When people are inspired, they don't need motivation.” – Thomas Leonard on Amplify Your Success #Podcast about Coaching Strategy for High Performance via @Melcoach ]


Key Takeaways

  • The big difference between end user sales and selling to larger corporations
  • What has to happen BEFORE you get on a sales conversation to increase your chances of getting to a YES
  • Three key reasons that a buyer will NOT say yes when you meet with them.
  • What to do when someone says, ‘let me think about it’
  • Where sales people mess up when trying to close the sale (ever had that hard sale leaving you feel icky?)
  • The connection between where you are marketing and your ability to close the sale
  • How you can use automation to help make sure the right prospects are making it on to your sales appointments


Mentioned In this Episode:

Apr 8, 2019

When an entrepreneur is ready to grow their business, hiring a virtual assistant, online business owner or contractors is a cost-effective resource. But way too often the business owner hires too quickly then feel disappointed with the results. There are four very important questions you must ask in order to feel out if the candidate truly is a good fit for your workstyle – and in episode 121 of Amplify Your Success Podcast learn what they are!

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • How my first experience of being coached radically shifted the trajectory of my entire life
  • Why coaching is the best way to motivate and inspire others to do things they don’t believe they can do – yet.
  • The difference between mentoring and coaching and how it impacts buy-in.
  • How curiosity influences decision making and empowerment.
  • The role neuroplasticity plays in high performance coaching.
  • My secret coaching weapon for resistance and reluctant action takers


Mentioned In this Episode:

Apr 1, 2019


Most service-professionals and entrepreneurs know that marketing is about attracting the ideal client. They spend hours and hours crafting the perfect email campaign, writing detailed blog articles and finding the right words to put in their next Instagram post.

But then…crickets. Nothing. No likes. No shares. No sales.

What if you knew how to write content that not only created buzz and lots of shares but also translated into sales? In episode 120 of Amplify Your Success Podcast I talk with Deb Coman, the writer behind many high converting Facebook ads you’ve probably seen in your Newstream, who shares her formula for creating content that converts interest into sales.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • The types of content that most online business owners, coaches, consultants and service-based business owners can easily create.
  • The primary reason most people’s content doesn't attract their ideal clients and convert into sales.
  • Three common mistakes business owners making when creating their content.
  • Deb’s top three places to share content using her content multi-purposing
  • What an entrepreneur can do today to start improving their content conversion.


CLICK TO TWEET: 3 Keys to Creating Content That Converts with Deb Coman on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 120 with @melcoach]



Resources Mentioned in This Episode:


Get Deb’s FREE Resource: 3 Costly Content Mistakes: How to Identify What’s Not Working In your Marketing and Fix it

Take the FREE Own Your Bold Challenge


About The Guest

Deb Coman is a content conversion strategist, copywriter, speaker, and an author in the International Best Seller Voices of the 21st Century. Her copy is behind some of the big-name FB ads you see, as well as her strategies power many blogs, social media sites and email campaigns. She empowers business owners to create better content and to share and repurpose it using strategy that attracts and converts more of their best paying customers.

Mar 25, 2019

At 11 years old he had regular conversations with Larry King. He launched Snoop Dog’s podcast. And he’s had some pretty big names on his podcast.

It all started when Ryan learned the power of influencing the influencers.

Influence isn’t what many people think it is. According to Ryan it’s not how many Instagram followers you have. It’s not about how much money you make. It’s not even about the number of people on your subscriber list.

It has to do with your ability to inspire others into action.

In episode 119 of Amplify Your Success Podcast listen in as Ryan Williams, author of The Influencer Economy and I talk about how to build your own influence by leveraging the authority and credibility of others.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • What an influencer really is (and more importantly what it’s not.)
  • Why connecting with influencers can be a key strategy to get instant “borrowed” authority for your own offerings.
  • Ryan shares a simple approach to reach influential people to build your own network.
  • Thinking about starting a podcast? Ryan and I cover the pro’s and con’s on podcasting as a way to increase your influence in your niche. 

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Free influencer email pitch templates

Get a FREE copy of Ryan’s Collaborate & Thrive workbook at

Take the FREE Own Your Bold Challenge

Mar 18, 2019

Have you ever felt like you have to keep a part of yourself hidden from the world? Maybe you’ve been worried about turning off potential clients or people won’t “get you.” For some mission-driven entrepreneurs, giving yourself permission to be 100% authentic is the very thing that will give you more confidence, personal power and drive to accomplish more.

Early on in my days as a coach I separated my “spiritual” practices from my business coaching because I was worried I would alienate people. But after hitting a major patch of burn out, I made a significant pivot and integrated my consciousness into my business branding.

In episode 118 of Amplify Your Success Podcast I talk with Devi Adea, host of Spiritual Entrepreneur podcast about how she “came out of the spiritual closet” and how its positively impacted her prosperity. In my conversation with Devi she shares why she thought she had to keep a lid on her spiritual practices – but what it was costing her to keep that major part of her life a secret was way too big! I hope you’ll love this episode as much as I do!

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • What consciousness is and how using this part of you shifts your business success.
  • How to walk into any room and “own the energy” so people are magnetized to you.
  • Heard about manifesting and making more money? Devi explains how it really works (and what you can do today to manifest what you need and want.)
  • Why meditation is the fuel behind some of the wealthiest and most successful entrepreneurs.
  • What it means to “borrow someone’s beliefs” in order to upgrade your mindset
  • A simple practice to overcome disagreement and negative energy with others (and boy is this a powerful practice we can all benefit from!)


CLICK TO TWEET: Coming Out of the Spiritual #Entrepreneur Closet with Devi Adea on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 118 with @melcoach]



Resources Mentioned in This Episode:


Get Devi’s FREE Visualization Resource:

The Golden Key, by Emmet Fox

Take the FREE Own Your Bold Challenge

Mar 11, 2019

You’ve probably heard of Youtube – and chances are when you search Google you see that video bar showcasing videos that answer your question.

Isn’t it time for you to get highlighted and found by one of the best search engines in the online space? Youtube is a powerful marketing platform that you can take advantage of to showcase your services and business offerings. The best part – its totally FREE!

I asked my friend, director and producer Paige Wilhide, to share her secret to getting leads and clients for her small business clients on Youtube. You’ll be blown away at how simple (and effective) this strategy is!

Listen in to episode 117 of Amplify Your Success Podcast to transform your videos into list building machines on Youtube!

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • Why YouTube is one of the best FREE search engine optimization techniques to get found by your ideal clients.
  • The simple steps to get started on YouTube
  • What you must do on Youtube to get viewers to watch your videos
  • The trick to transforming Youtube into an ideal client list building strategy
  • How to create awesome video that gets people to opt in to your list
  • Need to monetize? Listen in as Paige shares a simple way to generate revenue from video marketing.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Youtube channel Branding guide:

Video Creation Resource Checklist:



Mar 4, 2019

If you have a business where sales have died off, or what you used to do to drive leads into sales stopped working, what do you do to turn that money faucet back on?

Did you know it’s pretty common to hit seven figures (or even six figures) and still feel broke? These are some of the common areas that smart business owners face as they grow their small business. I get asked so many “how do I make more money” questions that I’ve dedicated this entire episode to the four most common questions.

Listen in as I share four solutions to the most common money challenges online business owners, entrepreneurs and service professionals face on episode 116 of Amplify Your Success Podcast.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • Why seven figure business owners never have enough money and don’t create a profit.
  • What to do if your sales have stopped and nothing is working to close your sales conversations.
  • How to create a big burst of cash into your business if you offer services or digital products.
  • If you tend to spend more money than you make, listen in around minute 12 to the mindset behind this common profit issue.
  • I reveal my strategy to invest in my business growth with confidence (hint: 10%!)
  • What your messaging has to do with converting your free leads into buyers.


[Answering Your Biggest Questions About Making More Money in Business on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 116 with @melcoach]


Mentioned In this Episode:




Feb 25, 2019

Did you know that having a business model that includes recurring revenue can increase the value of your business? Plus, offerings that can help you predict your monthly cash flow are valuable……. episode 115 of Amplify Your Success Podcast

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • What recurring revenue is and why it’s a game changer for entrepreneurs and business owners.
  • Four unique “recurring revenue” business models to generate consistent cash flow in your business.
  • I share an example of one business that increased their revenue potential from just breaking six figures to 7 figures by introducing a second monthly revenue tier to their members.
  • The consistent income model for coaches and consultants (this can add $25k to your monthly cash flow.)
  • The pros and cons of the establishing a membership site model


[Recurring Revenue: The Secret to Consistent Cash Flow on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 115 with @melcoach]


Mentioned In this Episode:








Feb 18, 2019

When an entrepreneur is ready to grow their business, hiring a virtual assistant, online business owner or contractors is a cost-effective resource. But way too often the business owner hires too quickly then feel disappointed with the results. There are four very important questions you must ask in order to feel out if the candidate truly is a good fit for your workstyle – and in episode 114 of Amplify Your Success Podcast learn what they are!

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • What you have to do before you start the interview process to make sure your mindset is in the right place.
  • The role intuition plays in your hiring process (hint: don’t dismiss it as you need that gut instinct to play its part!)
  • The one thing small business owners skip when they are in a hurry – and how it impacts their new team member’s ability to meet your expectations.
  • The crucial question that very few people ask -- but will help you uncover the right fit for you – and your business.
  • What I learned from a recent potential candidate about why my process of hiring works best.


[5 Things You Must Find Out Before Hiring Your Next Virtual Assistant on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 114 with @melcoach]


Mentioned In this Episode:



Feb 11, 2019

When you walk into a room do you emanate confidence and create a magnetic pull for people to want to meet you? Your presence is the first thing people notice when they meet you – and that experience is either pulling people in or silently repelling them. My guest Kim Seltzer shows entrepreneurs and business leaders how to ramp up that first impression and transform your presence into a brand attraction magnet!

Hiding out behind your computer isn’t going to cut if you want to increase your success. Wearing five layers of black isn’t going to do the trick either. But you can discover simple ways to package yourself so you boost your confidence and feel like a million bucks.

On episode 113 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, Kim Seltzer joins me to reveal her simple techniques for creating more power in your presence.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • How Kim’s post-divorce “black” phase became her catalyst to marry image consulting, confidence coaching and therapy.
  • Why first impressions are so crucial in business and success (and dating too!)
  • The three biggest mistakes people make with their wardrobe that is actually hurting their brand presence.
  • How we can create a boost to our online image so our videos, social media and online images really pop.
  • Kim shares a powerful example of how wearing the right outfit for your body type can give you a boost of confidence.
  • Plus we hear how men benefit from “Manovers” in dating, business and leadership roles.



About The Guest


With a vat of knowledge and experience as a therapist, certified style & confidence coach and dating coach, Kim Seltzer has helped thousands of people find lasting love and connection, attract success and build valuable relationships using her unique “confidence makeover” process.


Using an outside-in approach, Kim has changed lives by changing their style, emotional and social intelligence using her signature formula, “The Charisma Quotient,” working on body language, first impressions, image and messaging and how it impacts attraction both in business and love.


This Los Angeles-based expert travels the country helping people discover confidence, charisma and connection as a speaker at National Matchmaking Conferences, eHarmony, Rise Up For You Empowered Women, Neutrogena and Guild Union at Universal Kim is also a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, with appearances in Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Reader’s Digest, AskMen, Fox News Magazine, Yahoo Shine and the Washington Examiner, among a myriad of other publications. You can also find Kim on her own podcast, The Charisma Quotient.


CLICK TO TWEET: Odette Peek on How to Leverage the Magic of Storytelling to Radically Boost Your Business on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 112 with @melcoach]

Connect With Kim

Get Kim’s FREE Body Shape Guide For Women
Get Kim’s FREE Man's Fashion Manifesto



Mentioned In this Episode:

  • Own Your Bold Inner Circle
Feb 4, 2019

Wouldn’t it be nice to rise above your industry noise and really get noticed by your most ideal clients? When you leverage the magic of storytelling, you create a unique connection with your most ideal clients. No one has your story so you’ve got to start telling it in a way that is compelling and soul-bonding to the people who need your superpowers.

On episode 112 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, Odette Peek joins me to share how to leverage your soul story on the most popular speaking platforms so it radically boosts your revenue – and impact.

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • Odette reveals why a soul story is your client attraction magnet
  • How telling your story becomes one of the quickest ways to build rapport and trust as an expert
  • Why speaking on more stages is a cure for invisibility and feeling like something is missing in your life.
  • Odette shares her own story of how she lost everything in her life, and speaking helped her reconnect to her passion and rebuild her business quickly
  • What truth bombs are – and how they help you stand out and differentiate yourself from the competition
  • How to use a talk template that’s proven to generate over $30,000 worth of business in just one talk


About The Guest

Odette Peek had a vision of a world where fear was eliminated from One Million People across the globe by 2020, so they can live their life with Power, Purpose, and without Apology share their message with the world. She created a seven-step strategy that has helped people reach their business, life, weight, influence, and relationship goals and because of her phenomenal success has been nominated three years in a row for the RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Award (2015, 2016, 2017). She is the Bronze Winner – Stevies Award – Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Business Services (2015) and Entrepreneur of the Year from York School of Business (1994).


Connect With Odette


Mentioned In this Episode:

  • Watch Odettes’ TedX Talk
  • Own Your Bold Inner Circle
Jan 28, 2019

As an expert in your field, getting booked on more stages is an invaluable way to get visibility. But how do you stand out to podcast hosts and speaker bookers? You need a magnetic talk title that showcases your message.

Now here’s the rub: just because you are an expert in your field doesn’t make you good at crafting a snappy talk title. It’s easy to get in the weeds and create talking points that are just, well, blah.

Lorianne Speaks has an opportunity to pitch herself as a guest to over 200 people – but she doesn’t have all of her speaking elements figured out yet. A common stuck point for many emerging experts, Lorianne books a session with me to clarify her powerful signature talk elements!

On episode 111 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, I’m hosting a special edition to do On Air Coaching for a member of the Own Your Bold Inner Circle.  I show member Lorianne Speaks how to clarify and punch up her messaging so that her signature talk gets her booked on more podcasts – and ideally attracts more of speakers and authors who are ready to spend more time speaking!

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • I help Lorianne uncover a compelling talk title so she’ll stand out to her ideal podcast hosts.
  • We work through her normal talking points to uncover powerful and exciting messaging hooks that will sure to appeal to her ideal audience.
  • Lorianne wonders how to pitch her offerings while showcasing herself as a guest to a range of podcasters. I show her how to seed her motivational rags to riches story while staying focused on her core message.
  • The we talk through the mechanics: creating a Signature Talk One-sheet and 3 minute pitch.


About The Guest

Lorianne Speaks offers administrative support to small businesses, specializing in authors and speakers who need help with managing their speaker bookings, social media and Association outreach. From travel management to meeting logistics to hiring support, Lorrianne Speaks is the perfect support to the busy expert ready to grow their reach.

Connect with Lorrianne Here

Mentioned In this Episode:

Jan 21, 2019

Did you know there is a hidden cost behind working with clients that are not ideal? Way too often that client ends up being a big energy drain. When a coach or consultant works with ideal clients, they have more energy, confidence and referrals. The “ideal client” trifecta helps you shift your marketing as a service-professional so you have more energy, better results and tons of referrals from clients how love your work

On episode 110 of Amplify Your Success Podcast, uncover one of the most important factors of exponential sales – marketing to your ideal clients!

Be sure to join the conversation in the Amplify Your Success Community and share your input there too.


Key Takeaways

  • The seven signs you are serving clients that are not your perfect clients.
  • What the Perfect Client Trifecta is (and how using it will make your business growth feel more effortless)
  • How to detect if you are falling into the Invisible Marketing Trap (hint: your prospects end up hiring your competition instead of you!)
  • TWEET THIS [Price for the #market, not your comfort zone says @melcoach on Amplify Your Success #Podcast episode 110]
  • The power of “contrast” in defining who your perfect, ideal clients really are
  • My biggest marketing faux-pa that taught me the importance of marketing in the right prospect pools
  • Why you need to fire clients that you dread


[Six Tips to Attract Your Perfect Clients on Amplify Your Success #Podcast Episode 110 with @melcoach]

Mentioned In this Episode:


Jan 14, 2019

Do you ever wonder why you just don’t fit in with the popular people around you? Or get frustrated with how other’s handle situations? Maybe you wish you had a crystal ball that would give you clues to the important people in your life that you just don’t connect well with.

The Enneagram tool has become my crystal ball. Instead of feeling frustrated with people who don’t share my approach, I now have empathy and tools to navigate our differences.

My friend Ben Saltzman had also been curious for many years on why people do what they do – and through the Enneagram discovered a tool that unlocked Spiritual Liberation and Business Success. Ben joins me on episode 109 of Amplify Your Success Podcast. We get raw and vulnerable about our own styles and how using the Enneagram Profile has transformed our relationships.


Key Takeaways

  • What the Enneagram is and how it can profoundly transform your relationships, your success and your leadership impact.
  • How knowing your Enneagram Style helps you navigate tricky relationships, deepen connection and build trust with your ideal clients.
  • Ben explains the nine Enneagram styles (you’ll probably see yourself in more than one style!)
  • I share how learning about my Enneagram style helped me radically shift tension and stress in a high-powered women’s group I lead.
  • Ben reveals how being a Type Seven (which is a common type for entrepreneurs and creatives) shows up – and how he’s grown using this information.
  • Ben and I discuss how to use tools like the Enneagram Profile to become better in business and as a leader.


Free Enneagram Test to discover your type (HYPERLINK THESE URLs)

If you already know your Enneagram Type, get Ben’s resource to learn how to achieve higher transformation:

Click to Tweet:  [Ben Saltzman Shares Using the Enneagram for Spiritual Liberation and #Business Success on Amplify Your Success #Podcast]

About the Guest:

Ben Saltzman, an internationally known Enneagram expert, has been fascinated by why humans do what we do for decades. In the Enneagram he found not only a beautiful map of our inner psychology, but also a profound system for spiritual transformation. He has used this system with fortune 500 executives, politicians, superior court judges, non-profits, and multi-millionaire entrepreneurs who are greening the planet. Supporting them in deepening of self-awareness, the shedding of old beliefs, and the embodiment of Power, Presence, Compassion, and Joy.

He has coached his clients to meet with, and create successful relationships with, some of the most powerful people on the planet including: Barak Obama, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, and Royalty in other countries.

He uses his understanding of the Enneagram with his wife and six year old daughter regularly to bring more harmony, understanding, and love into their relationships.

He co-founded the Israeli Enneagram Center in Telaviv Israel, and travels regularly to teach the master level classes there. He has also taught at John F. Kennedy University and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. He is the author of the online program Transform Your Type, and teaches coaches and therapists to use the Enneagram in his five-day programs and yearlong intensives.



Mentioned In this Episode:

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